- Armored Knights, Case Blue: Don Bend (Grognard Simulations Preorder)
- Armored Knights: Guderian Crosses the Desna 1941 Review
- Death Ride Kursk: Totenkopf Review
- Death Ride Normandy: Omaha Beach Play Session
- Armored Knights: Guderian Crosses the Desna 1941 Review
- Death Ride Arras Review [video]
- Armored Knights: Guderian Crosses the Desna 1941 Review
- Death Ride Kursk: Totenkopf Review
- Death Ride Normandy: Omaha Beach Play Session
- Combat Example in Armoured Knights [video]
- Harold on Games, Episode 24 [podcast]
- Death Ride Arras (new from Grognard Simulations)
The British counter-attack at Arras, May 21-22, 1940. This game is a collaborative design between Grognard Simulations and Stronpgoint Simulations of the British Armies surprise attack on Rommel's 7th Panzer Division at the city of Arras. This game is a lighter version of the Death Ride series and a good introductory game for the series. [Forum]
- Death Ride Kursk: 11th Panzer Review
- Incredible Courage 100 Days: Quatre Bras Replay
- Incredible Courage: Quatre Bras Review