- Cowboys Rebranded (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Holdfast: Atlantic Review
- Grant & Pemberton Review [video]
- New York 1776 Review [video]
- Blood of Noble Men Review [video]
- Holdfast Tunisia (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Hold the Line App Review [video]
- Band of Brothers: Ghost Panzer Review
- Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Review
- Holdfast: Atlantic 1939-45 Review [video]
- HoldFast: Korea 1950-1951 Review
- Holdfast: EastFront 1941-1945 Review
- Dunkirk: France 1940 (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Boots on the Ground Review
- Saratoga 1777 (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
covering the American Revolutionary War campaign led by British General Burgoyne against the American colonist led by General Gates. It is a point to point movement war game using blocks with labels for the military units. The game uses the system from previous games in the series, New York 1776 and Trenton 1776. [Forum]
- Enemies of Rome (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
It is 300 BC. Since being founded as a Republic in 509 BC Rome has grown in power and influence. You and up to 4 other players are one of Rome’s great leaders. Take control of legions and lead them across the known world for the next 600 years as you deal with uprisings, rebellions, political intrigue, and wars. Players can make alliances with one another (and true to Rome, break those alliances!) maneuver their forces and the enemies of Rome, all as they try to become the one true Caesar! [Forum]
- Hold the Line: The American Revolution Replay
- Hold the Line: The American Revolution Replay
- MARS WARS (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Hold the Line Review