- The Fate of All First Look [video]
- Whiskey Charlie – Episode 63: The Fate of All [video]
- The Fate of All First Look [video]
- The Fate of All First Look [video]
- The Fate of All (new from Thin Red Line Games)
- Less Than 60 Miles First Look [video]
- Interview with Fabrizio Vianello
- Designer Notes for the New Ancients Series: The Fate of All
- Less Than 60 Miles – 2nd Echelon (new from Thin Red Line Games)
- Interview with Fabrizio Vianello
- Die Festung Hamburg (new from Thin Red Line Games)
Taking its roots from SPI’s “Central Front” and “NATO: Division Commander”, Die Festung Hamburg is the third module of the C3 series, focused on Command, Control and Communication and pioneered by Less Than 60 Miles – one of the five nominees for the 2019 Charles Roberts Awards as Best Post-WW2, Cold War, & Hypothetical Era Board Wargame. [Forum]
- 1985: Sacred Oil AAR
- 1985: Sacred Oil First Look [video]
- 1985: Sacred Oil (new from Thin Red Line Games)
1985: Sacred Oil covers the Soviet offensive in the Persian Gulf area, today recognized as the prelude to World War Three. Initially limited to Soviet Union, Iran and Iraq, the conflict quickly extended to other Arab countries, US and finally NATO and Warsaw Pact. As in the other 1985 modules, every aspect of a modern conflict is covered in detail. Sacred Oil raises the stake by having no fixed Order Of Battle and a field of action encompassing the whole globe. [Forum]
- 1985 Sacred Oil First Look [video]
- 1985: Sacred Oil First Look [video]
- Under an Iron Sky Play Session [video]
- The Dogs of War Review
- 1985: Deadly Northern Lights Review
- 1985: Under an Iron Sky Review