- Poland Defiant Unboxing [video]
- Poland Defiant (new from Revolution Games)
Poland Defiant was originally produced in limited quantities as “Plan West” by 3 Crown Games. Revolution Games has updated the game with new art, testing, and development. Poland Defiant covers the first 10 days of the Polish campaign, September 1st to 10th, 1939. This was the period when the Polish armies met the German forces on the open terrain of Poland and the mobility and firepower of mechanized warfare was first demonstrated on a large scale. The Poles must hold on to key cities and the Germans must keep to a rapid time schedule, so the game is both balanced and tense. [Forum]
- Poland Defiant Review [video]
- Poland Defiant Replay
- Konigsberg 1945 Review [video]
- Ground Truthing the “Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg” map
- Across the Narva Unbagging [video]
- Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga Replay
- Next “Blind Swords” game announced: “We Are In For It”
- Harold on Games interviews Roger Miller of Revolution Games
- Player’s Guide for Longstreet Attacks [PDF]
- Konigsberg: The Soviet Attack on East Prussia, 1945 Review
- Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg Replay
- Königsberg Game Overview [video]
- Patton’s Vanguard Review [video]
- Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg (new from Revolution Games)
the third game in the Revolution Games series of American Civil War games, simulating the fighting on July 2nd, 1863 during the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg and focuses on the southern portion of the battlefield. These engagements involved General Longstreet’s attack against Sickles’ positions, with troops from Hood’s and McLaws’ Divisions, assisted as well by Anderson’s Division of A.P. Hill’s Corps. [Forum]
- Invasion 1066: Stamford Bridge Review
- Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg Replay
- Pacific Fury: Guadalcanal, 1942 Capsule Review
- Königsberg Unboxing [video]