- The Second World War Replay
- War In The Megacity Unwrapping [video]
- Stalin’s Final War: 1953 What If? (One Small Step @ Kickstarter)
Stalin’s Final War: 1953 What If? (SFW) is an alternative history wargame intended to investigate the strategic parameters that would’ve been in place during the first 10 weeks of operations had that dictator lived long enough to put in motion his plan to start World War III in 1953. Had he lived, the most likely start date would’ve been one closely coinciding with the signing of the Korean War armistice in July (in order to achieve a surprise effect). [Forum]
- CounterFact, Issue 9 (new from One Small Step)
featuring the insert game, War in the Megacity (WMC), a simulation of hypothetical near-future battles fought in metropolitan areas with populations of 10 million or more. The objective is to show the spectrum of operations--conventional, special operations and unconventional--in this type of fighting on the grand tactical level. There are two sides, both controlled by one player, in WMC: the Insurgent player, who wants to seize control of the city. Opposing him in that effort is the Government player. The Infowar Index is central to play. Each player has an Infowar Index, which indicates how successful his is in achieving his goals--representing the amount of overall public support each side is getting. [Forum]
- Folio Series 2: Green Beret (new from One Small Step)
1964-5 in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, in the period before the first United States Army and Marine units arrived to bring the war into a new phase. Montagnard tribesmen of the Civilian Irregular Defense Groups, raised, trained and advised by Special Forces A-teams, try to prevent the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army from controlling the population and opening supply routes to the coast. The game focuses on processes of progressive recruitment, population control, evasion and detection. One 17x22" area-movement map of the Central Highlands region, 140 double-sided counters, company to regiment scale. [Forum]
- CounterFact Magazine, Issue 10 (One Small Step Preorder)
features the insert game, Operation Pincher: Stalin's Drive In the Middle East, 1949 – What If? is based on the actual "Pincher" series of defensive plans drawn up in the Pentagon from 1946 through 1949. This is a speculative history wargame that allows two players to investigate the strategic parameters that would have been in place in southeastern Europe and the Middle East had Stalin attacked there at that time (most likely in conjunction with a drive off map) into Western Europe. [Forum]
- CounterFact, Issue 8: 1941, What If? (new from One Small Step)
featuring the insert game, 1941: What If? An Alternative History Wargame of a Second Winter War. This is a low-to-intermediate complexity two-player alternative history wargame that's also easily adaptable to solitaire play. It allows you to investigate the parameters inherent in the situation in Central Eastern Europe, at the end of 1940, had the Bulgarians decided to ally with the Soviets instead of the Germans, which historically they considered doing. [Forum]
- America Falling: The Coming Civil War Unboxing [video]
- America Falling: The Coming Civil War (new from One Small Step)
the first game in the Absent Superpower Series. America Falling enables two players to simulate the entire first year of a hypothesized near-future civil war--brought on by whatever is your own favorite reason--across all of the lower-48 states. This game was successfully funded on Kickstarter, and has just arrived in our warehouse. [Forum]
- High Frontier, 3rd Edition Review
- An In-Depth Look at Propulsion in High Frontier
- Bin Dinh Vietnam 1969 Unbagging [video]
- Kandahar Unbagging [video]
- Islamic State: The Syria War Replay
- Guderian’s War: The German Advance on Moscow, 1941 Review
- America Falling (One Small Step @ Kickstarter)
America Falling is a two-player board-game about the end of America. The game is narrative neutral, meaning that the it does not pre-suppose any specific road to war; this is left to your personal proclivities. One player commands the conservative "Red" forces while the other leads the liberal "Blue" forces. Game mechanics recreate the inescapable dilemmas of fratricidal struggle inherent at the start of every civil war. [Forum]
- Interview with Ty Bomba
- CounterFact Issue 7 (new from One Small Step)
featuring the insert game, Islamic State: War in Syria (ISWS), a two-player wargame simulating the post-Russian intervention phase of the Syrian Civil War. In this game, there are two coalitions fighting parallel wars against a common foe: DAESH and Al Qaeda in Syria, with one player (the US player) commanding US/NATO Forces, Kurdish/SDF and non-Islamic Syrian Rebels, and a second player (the Russian player) controlling the Syrian Arab Army (SAA, Assad’s forces) and their allies (Iran/Hezbollah, Russia). [Forum]
- CounterFact Issue 9 (One Small Step Preorder)
- Best 3 Games with…Designer Brian Train