- This War Without an Enemy Review
- Phantom Fury First Look [video]
- This War Without An Enemy Play Tutorial [video]
- FITNA: The Globar War in the Middle East (new from Nuts! Publishing)
a two to six-player grand strategic level card driven wargame depicting the military confrontations in the Middle East since 2012, up to the near future. Among 10 historical and hypothetical scenarios, players can simulate the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Kurdish Rebellion, the Sunni versus Shia confrontation as well as Russian, Turkish, Israeli and Western intervention in the region. ISIS troops are activated through Event cards. [Forum]
- This War Without An Enemy Preview [video]
- This War Without an Enemy (Nuts! Publishing @ Kickstarter)
This War Without an Enemy is a 2-player strategic block wargame on the First English Civil War. The Royalists fight for King Charles against the English Parliamentarian troops and their Scottish allies, in a struggle for political, economic and religious control. The game includes five scenarios (the Full War, the Early War, the Mid-to-Late War, the Mid War and the Prelude to War). The three longer scenarios end either with a player reaching 3 VPs or at the end of 1646. The game engine will be familiar to anyone who has played a card-driven block wargame. Pledge for this game today on Kickstarter. [Forum]
- Interview with Scott Moore
- Saigon 75 (Nuts! Publishing Preorder)
a simple and swift strategic game, simulating the fratricidal struggle between North and South Vietnam from Summer 1973 to Spring 1975. Everything is contained within a few pages of rules and 1 hour of fun, with pressure at every moment! The game portrays the differences between North Vietnamese divisions and the Rangers/Marines/Paratroopers and other units of the South Vietnamese. [Forum]
- The Great War: French Army Expansion Replay
- Interview with Pierre Razoux
- Somme 1918 Review
- This War without an Enemy (Nuts! Publishing Preorder)
a 2-player strategic block wargame on the first English Civil War, during which the Royalist forces fighting for King Charles I were opposed by the English Parliamentarian troops and their Scottish allies, the Covenanters, in a struggle for political, economic and religious control of England. 5 scenarios. [Forum]
- Fitna: The Global War in the Middle East (Nuts! Publishing Preorder)
a two to six-player grand strategic level card driven wargame depicting the military confrontations in the Middle East since 2012, up to the near future. Among 10 historical and hypothetical scenarios, players can simulate the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Kurdish Rebellion, the Sunni versus Shia confrontation as well as Russian, Turkish, Israeli and Western intervention in the region. ISIS troops are activated through Event cards. [Forum]
- Urban Operations Replay
- Urban Operations Review
- Urban Operations Replay
- To The Last Man! Review
- Phantom Fury Review
- Somme 1918 Review
- Italia 1917-1918 (Nuts! Publishing Preorder)
an operational wargame which takes the game system used in "Somme 1918: Bloody Spring" and "Marne 1918: Friedensturm" (Hexasim) to the Italian front. Captures the fierce fighting which pitted the troops of the Entente (Italy, France, Great- Britain and USA) against those of the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary and Germany) during the period between the Battle of Caporetto (Oct 1917) and the Villa Giusti Armistice (Nov 1918). [Forum]