- The Victory of Arminius Review
- Operation Cerberus Replay [video]
- Against the Odds, Issue 51: Almost a Miracle! (new from LPS, Inc.)
Against the Odds magazine is now issue #51 with the insert game, Almost a Miracle, which looks at the entire "northern half" of the American Revolution. The game covers large and small battles, from Northern Virginia to Canada, with a system that models 18th Century combat and how it differed from later times, where morale, readiness, leadership, and mere chance all could be "the" critical factor at one time or another. [Forum]
- Marathon 490 B.C. Review
- Interview with Ty Bomba
- Guerra a Muerte Replay [video]
- All or Nothing: The Fight for Fort Mercer Replay
- Magazine Parts from Against the Odds Magazine
Against the Odds Magazine has added a section to their website for selling "parts" of issues. This includes counter sheets, game maps, magazines without games, player aid cards, etc. It's also the place to request (for free!) the 'addenda' strips that came in some issue with extra or replacement counters for previous games. Not every item ever printed is available, but lots are. [Forum]
- The Union Forever Review
- The First Battle of the Marne Review
- Hungarian Nightmare Review [video]
- Birth of a Legend Review
- Against the Odds, Issue 48: Apocalypse in the East (new from LPS Inc.)
featured insert game looks at the rise of the "First Caliphate" under Syrian rule and its conflicts with a declining Byzantine empire. The game spans competed territory from Egypt to the Dardanelles. Issue #48 also includes a bonus game, "Balck Friday," looking at a small-but-key battle during the Soviet counterattack outside Stalingrad. [Forum]
- 2016 Annual: Confederate Rails (new from Against the Odds)
Confederate Rails lets 2-5 players operate the historical railways of the Confederate States of America (CSA). Unlike other railroad games, the players have their best and finest rail net when the game begins and struggle against each other (and the travails of war) to ship products and make profits while their railroads are degrading. Designed by Richard Berg, players compete for resources, political influences, increasingly worthless money, and the Yankee army to become the most successful railroad tycoon of a shrinking country. [Forum]
- Circle of Fire Capsule Review
- Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga Play Overview [video]
- Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga Preview [video]
- The Sadowa Campaign 1866 AD Review
- Rattenkrieg: Assault on the Tracktor Factory Review
- Tarleton’s Quarter! Unbagging [video]