- Velikiye Luki: Stalingrad of the North (new from Legion Wargames)
- Vive l’Empereur Series -Vol. XI, La Bataille de Wagram (Legion Wargames Preorder)
- Velikiye Luki: Stalingrad of the North Replay
- Target for Today Review
- Velikiye Luki: Stalingrad of the North Review
- A Glorious Chance (new from Legion Wargames)
A Glorious Chance is a solitaire, operational wargame that puts you in command of the U.S. or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake. But each patrol, each convoy mission, each amphibious landing you make to pursue victory risks full-scale battle with the enemy squadron – a battle that could leave you triumphant or shattered in a matter of hours. A dynamic card-driven AI opponent assigns British missions, refits and launches new ships, and plots raids on your supply routes and coastlines. [Forum]
- Aces of Valor Play Session [video]
- Dien Bien Phu: The Final Gamble Replay
- Interview with Keith Hafner & Matt Shirley
- Interview with Andreas Pscheidl
- Miracle at Dunkerque Playtest Report
- La Primogenita First Look [video]
- Aces of Valor Replay
- Aces of Valor Review
- Target for Today Replay
- Legion Wargames Customer Service Testimonial [video]
- Skyhawk: Rolling Thunder, 1966 (new from Legion Wargames)
Skyhawk is a game which puts the player in the cockpit of an A-4E Skyhawk of VA-72 flying missions during the early days of Operation Rolling Thunder. Your base of operations is the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt on duty at Yankee Station. You play as a Navy pilot flying strike missions against targets in North Vietnam. [Forum]
- Heart of Darkness Replay
- Heart of Darkness Replay
- Target for Today Replay