- Brave Little Belgium Replay
- Brave Little Belgium Replay
- The Lost Provinces Unboxing [video]
- Antony and Cleopatra (new from Hollandspiele)
John Theissen’s streamlined approach to operational warfare in the nineteenth century in games such as Hood’s Last Gamble and Campaign of Nations has won him a number of admirers. Now he turns his attention to the last war of the Roman Republic, to the marching of Legions and the sailing of fleets, to the rise of Augustus and the fall of Mark Antony and the savvy Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra. [Forum]
- Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era Replay
- Charlemagne: Master of Europe Review [video]
- Charlemagne, Master of Europe Play Overview [video]
- Table Battles Expansion No. 3: Gettysburg (new from Hollandspiele)
This third expansion to the popular Table Battles series focuses its attention on a single day: 2 July 1863, the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Famous engagements from throughout the attack each get their own scenario, while a final scenario zooms out for a "big picture" view of the whole thing. [Forum]
- Brave Little Belgium (new from Hollandspiele)
recreates this dramatic early campaign of the First World War in a lightning-quick introductory wargame with plenty of challenges for both sides. As the German Player, you must smash through the enemy’s defenses as quickly as possible, relentlessly advancing. But push your men too hard, and they might commit atrocities that will rally world opinion against you. As the Entente Player, you must stage a desperate defense against overwhelming odds. When and where to fall back, and where to take a stand, are decisions of vital importance. [Forum]
- Brave Little Belgium Review [video]
- Brave Little Belgium (new from Hollandspiele)
recreates the dramatic early campaign of the First World War as Germany invades Belgium in a lightning-quick introductory wargame with plenty of challenges for both sides. As the German Player, you must smash through the enemy’s defenses as quickly as possible, relentlessly advancing. As the Entente Player, you must stage a desperate defense against overwhelming odds. When and where to fall back, and where to take a stand, are decisions of vital importance. [Forum]
- The Heights of Alma (new from Hollandspiele)
Tom Russell's first published game was Blood in the Alma. That humble little magazine insert game, published in 2012, introduced concepts that over time gave birth to Hollandspiele's Blood in the Fog and, eventually, the Shot & Shell Battle Series. So it is perhaps fitting that seven years and nearly forty published designs later, Mr. Russell would turn his attention back to the topic that started it all, redesigned from the ground-up through the lens of the Shot & Shell system. The result is The Heights of Alma. [Forum]
- Great Heathen Army Review
- Objective Shreveport! Replay
- Hood’s Last Gamble Review
- This Guilty Land Review [video]
- NATO Air Commander Review
- This Guilty Land (new from Hollandspiele)
This Guilty Land is about the political struggle over slavery in the decades leading up to the American Civil War. Its central premise is that the war was the only way to achieve abolition: the slave states never would have willingly given up the practice, nor would it have worked itself out at some point down the road. [Forum]
- Horse & Musket III: Crucible of War (new from Hollandspiele)
The third volume of Sean Chick's Horse & Musket takes as its subject the Seven Years' War, a conflict that saw fighting in both the old world and the new. This was the last great clash of monarchs - the final and grandest game of European power politics before it was all to be swept away by the bloody tides of revolution. [Forum]
- NATO Air Commander Replay