- Aurelian: Restorer of the World First Look [video]
- White Eagle Defiant, Poland 1939: Fan-made Scenario
- District Commander: Kandahar First Look [video]
- Stilicho: Last of the Romans Replay
- White Eagle Defiant First Impression
- Meltwater Review [video]
- Brave Little Belgium Play Overview [video]
- Aurelian, Restorer of the World (new from Hollandspiele)
Aurelian, Restorer of the World is a solitaire game from Tom Russell, the designer of Agricola, Master of Britain and Charlemagne, Master of Europe. This game is shorter and faster than the two previous games, lasting a maximum of six turns. It's also more difficult. Beyond marching around the map, quelling revolts, and smacking down usurpers, you must manage monies, maintain a strong defensive line along the Danube, make war against Germanic tribes, build up city defenses, and spread the cult of Sol Invictus. [Forum]
- Table Battles Review
- District Commander Kandahar (new from Hollandspiele)
District Commander: Kandahar simulates the problems facing insurgent and counterinsurgent commanders in southern Afghanistan circa 2009-2010. The District Commander system - with its emphasis on bluff and deception, scarce resources, and shifting operational goals - is an especially good fit for capturing the pace and nature of operations in Afghanistan. [Forum]
- Shields & Swords Ancients Game Analysis, Part 4
- White Eagle Defiant (new from Hollandspiele)
This is the topic of the second game from designers Ryan Heilman and Dave Shaw. Their first, Brave Little Belgium, delighted gamers with its streamlined approach to chit-pull and point-to-point wargaming, securing it a Charles S. Roberts nomination. Since its publication, we've often heard from new wargamers for whom it served as their introduction to the hobby. If Brave Little Belgium was your first wargame, White Eagle Defiant could be your second. [Forum]
- Interview with Robert DeLeskie
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- The Scheldt Campaign Review
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- Antony and Cleopatra Review
- Interview with Robert DeLeskie
- Stilicho: Last of the Romans (new from Hollandspiele)
the long-anticipated follow-up to designer Robert DeLeskie's popular and challenging solitaire game WARS OF MARCUS AURELIUS. The brain-boiling card angst and nail-biting combats that made that game so compelling are back, along with some new wrinkles that make for a more challenging and nuanced decision space. [Forum]
- Shields & Swords Ancients Game Analysis, Part 2