- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks (new from Hollandspiele)
The first game in the Shot & Shell battle series, Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks, recreates the actions fought on May 31 and June 1 of 1862 during the American Civil War. A complex Confederate battle plan hatched by Joseph E. Johnston that called for coordinated flank attacks devolved into an unsupported frontal assault, resulting in the largest battle of the war up until that time, and one of the bloodiest. Beyond the historical scenario, there are scenarios which allow players to explore the feasibility of Johnston's actual plan, as well as what might have resulted had he been opposed by a more aggressive Union general than George B. McClellan. [Forum]
- N: The Napoleonic Wars Review
- More Aggressive Attitudes: The 1862 Virginia Campaign Review
- Dynasty: The Era of the Five Dynasties (new from Hollandspiele)
design by Richard H. Berg. A multi-player game that recreates the power politics and military struggles of tenth century China. One player begins the game as the Emperor, defending the realm from Khitan raiders, providing flood relief, and collecting taxes, so as to maintain the Mandate of Heaven and continue to rule. The other players are provincial governors seeking to weaken the Emperor's grasp on power and take it for themselves. [Forum]
- The Grunwald Swords Replay
- Teutons!: Assaults on the West, 1870-1940 Review
- Ukrainian Crisis & The Little War Review
- Horse & Musket Play Tutorial [video]
- Operation Unthinkable: Churchill’s World War III (new from Hollandspiele)
- Battles on the Ice Replay [video]
- Interview with Tim Taylor
- Interview with Ty Bomba
Designer of Operation Unthinkable: Churchill’s World War III from Hollandspiele
- More Aggressive Attitudes (new from Hollandspiele)
an operational-level game for two players exploring the 1862 Virginia Campaign. Each hex represents a span of five miles, and each turn is a day. The counter density is low, just a handful of units per side — and the rules are simple, but nuanced. The focus is squarely on the operational level, and the ability of your subordinates to carry out your orders — to march a given distance in a day, to avoid battle, or to coordinate their attacks — is not entirely within your control. [Forum]
- Plan 1919 Review [video]
- Battles on the Ice (new from Hollandspiele)
The third game in the Shields & Swords II series tackles two unusual engagements -- Battle at Lake Peipus, 1242 and Battle of Karuse, 1270. In both battles, the "invincible" Livonian Order, an autonomous branch of the Teutonic Knights, met their enemies atop a frozen body of water, and in both cases, they suffered a humiliating defeat. [Forum]
- Horse & Musket (new from Hollandspiele)
Horse & Musket is a simple tactical game system covering musket warfare from Vienna in 1683 to Appomattox in 1865. This first volume in the series, Dawn of an Era, covers warfare in the west from 1683-1719, which saw matchlock muskets and pikes give way to flintlocks and bayonets. Ranks became thinner and battles more linear as firepower and infantry discipline became the deciding factors. [Forum]
- Optimates et Populares (new from Hollandspiele)
a political game for two players, in which players fight for the primacy and dominance of their ideology. Central to the game is Political Will. Each action you take will cost you some Political Will. The more you accomplish, the more anger it incites in the opposition and its supporters - and so, each action you take also cedes Political Will to your opponent. This creates a dynamic tension in which each player must balance pursuit of his own goals against the backlash that's just around the corner. [Forum]
- The Scheldt Campaign Replay [video]
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution (new from Hollandspiele)
Armies march on their stomachs, and guns aren't much use without bullets. This simple, brutal truth is given dynamic, exciting expression in Supply Lines of the American Revolution: The Northern Theater, 1775-1777, which looks at the first three years of the American War for Independence through the lens of supply and logistics. [Forum]
- Ukrainian Crisis & The Little War (new from Hollandspiele)