- Table Battles Review
- Table Battles Review
- Objective Shreveport! Replay
- Objective Shreveport! Review
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Review
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Replay
- Objective Shreveport! (new from Hollandspiele)
Designer John Theissen has another compact operational sandbox for ACW gamers to play around in. While the game has some similarities to his More Aggressive Attitudes, important differences in scale and emphasis result in a unique experience that's specific to the factors that doomed the Union's 1864 Red River Campaign. [Forum]
- Seven Pines or Fair Oaks Review [video]
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Unboxing [video]
- House of Normandy Replay
- Table Battles (new from Hollandspiele)
Here is something new and exciting, something completely unlike any other game on your table. Table Battles reduces armed conflict to its essentials, to the absolute universal truths behind all battles: the threat of force and its application. It's about leverage, about feints and counterfeints, threats and counterthreats, about creating openings and then going for the jugular, about leaving openings and springing a trap. This base set contains eight battles from across four centuries of conflict. [Forum]
- Bitskrieg Playtest Replay
- Plan 1919: Fuller’s Plan to End the Great War Replay
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Unboxing [video]
- On Publishing Berg’s Dynasty
- The Year of Living Awesomely
- On Publishing the Scheldt Campaign
- Brief Thoughts on Two Traditions of Wargame Design
- How Boardgames Saved My Life