- Bitskrieg Capsule Review
- Charlemagne, Master of Europe (new from Hollandspiele)
In this solitaire strategy game, you assume the Frankish throne, and seek to duplicate - or exceed - Charlemagne's singular genius, while hopefully avoiding some of his mistakes, such as the famous defeat at Roncevaux (immortalized in the Song of Roland). As you conquer new territory and incorporate it into your empire, you'll need to contend with rebels and palace intriguers. Building public works and patronizing the Carolingian Renaissance will increase your prestige and wealth. [Forum]
- Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era Review
- Interview with Tom Russell
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Review
- N: The Napoleonic Wars Play Tutorial [video]
- Bitskrieg (new from Hollandspiele)
Once upon a time, there was a game designer named Scott Muldoon, who wanted a wargame he could play with his five-year-old son, Miles: a game that was simple and compelling enough that a child could play it, but also crunchy and subtle enough that a grown-up wouldn't be bored silly - crunchy and subtle enough, in fact, that two grown-ups could play it, on purpose, and with nary a kid in sight. That's a tall order indeed, but working together, Scott and Miles created a game for grognards and their grogkids. [Forum]
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- N: The Napoleonic Wars Replay [video]
- Battles on the Ice Review
- Interview with Scott and Miles Muldoon
- N: The Napoleonic Wars Review
- Table Battles Review
- Table Battles Review
- Objective Shreveport! Replay
- Objective Shreveport! Review
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Review
- Seven Pines; or, Fair Oaks Replay
- Objective Shreveport! (new from Hollandspiele)
Designer John Theissen has another compact operational sandbox for ACW gamers to play around in. While the game has some similarities to his More Aggressive Attitudes, important differences in scale and emphasis result in a unique experience that's specific to the factors that doomed the Union's 1864 Red River Campaign. [Forum]