- Hollandspiele: Cards on the Table
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution: The Southern Strategy (new from Hollandspiele)
The sequel to the very popular Supply Lines of the American Revolution: The Northern Theater, 1775-1777, which was popular with grognards and logistics nerds alike. The game secured a nomination for the 2017 Golden Geek Award for Best Wargame. This hotly anticipated standalone sequel covers the second half of the American War of Independence, and shifts the scene to the Southern colonies of Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas. [Forum]
- House of Normandy Replay
- Hollandspiele: Mary And Tom, Episode 45 Podcast
- Operation Unthinkable: Churchill’s World War III Review
- Hollandspiele Podcast, Episode 45
- Militia & Loyalists in The Southern Strategy Game Preview
- Supply Lines of the American Revolution Review
- Hollandspiele: Dot (on Wargaming Rules Organization)
- Wars of Marcus Aurelius (new from Hollandspiele)
170CE. Plague ravages the Empire. With the Legions depleted by disease and spread thin across the endless frontier, opportunistic Germanic tribes and fierce Sarmatian raiders strike across the Danube deep into Imperial territory. This debut game from filmmaker and designer Robert DeLeskie was created for BoardGameGeek's annual Wargame PNP Contest, where it was crowned the Overall Winner. Additionally it won all but one of the other categories in which it competed, including Best Rules, Most Original Concept, Best Solitaire Game, Best Strategic Scale Game, and Best Short/Quick/Small Game. [Forum]
- Horse & Musket: Sport of Kings Replay
- The Scheldt Campaign Review
- Hollandspiele: Trains and Chit, Con Report, Part 2 of 2
- Hood’s Last Gamble Review [video]
- Hollandspiele: Trains and Chit, Con Report, Part 1 of 2
- Plan 1919 Review
- Hollandspiele: Vestiges
- The Great Heathen Army (new from Hollandspiele)
The fourth game in the Shields & Swords II series is also the largest, with more scenarios than the previous three games combined (8 battles total!). The theme this time is the "mycel heathen here": the terrifying host of Vikings that landed in England not to loot and pillage, but to conquer. They were steadfastly resisted by Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, and three of Alfie's most famous battles are included. His descendents fought off Viking encroachments with varying degrees of success, until the victory of Canute in 1016. [Forum]
- Hollandspiele: I Can Move More than One Piece?
- Hollandspiele: Playing Cat and Mouse