- Gone to Pieces (new from High Flying Dice Games)
covers the Battle of Binh Gia, December 1964-January 1965. Following the disastrous 1963 battle of Ap Bac, more military equipment and advisors were sent by the United States to the Republic of South Vietnam in the hopes that better armaments and training could defeat the obviously growing strength of the Communist forces in that embattled country. The Battle of Binh Gia was the first major test of the effects of the escalating US presence in South Vietnam, and its outcome had a telling effect on the US role in the conflict. Perhaps you can do as well or better? [Forum]
- Alfred the Great: The Great Heathen Army 871 AD Review
- Land of Confusion Review
- Kekionga!: A Dark and Bloody Battleground, 1790 Review
- White Turns Red (new from High Flying Dice Games)
White Turns Red depicts the high water mark and key battle of the Russian Civil War at Orel. The city of Orel was the pinnacle of the White Army's advance under General Denikin in October 1919. When the White soldiers and their tanks entered the city, shock waves were felt in Moscow. Lenin and Trotsky panicked with White soldiers just 200 miles away. They reacted with the same urgency as when the Germans neared Moscow in 1941- with draconian orders to build defenses and recruited women, boys, and men, sent to man some of the defenses while veteran soldiers were sent towards Orel. [Forum]
- Courage Under Fire Capsule Review
- Kekionga 1790 and St. Clair’s Folly 1791 Unbagging [video]
- The Glory that was Greece (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Glory That Was Greece, Volume 3: The Battles of Delium and Amphipolis. Roberto Chiavini’s latest set of games portrays the two battles in which Socrates played a prominent role. The Glory that was Greece is a series of games depicting several battles from the ancient world. The games are introductory in level and complexity, designed for fun and competitive play, while also depicting the history of the battles. This third volume in the series to be published by High Flying Dice Games depicts the battles of Delium and Amphipolis. [Forum]
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Depths of Courage, Volume 8: The Raids on Algeciras (new from HFDG)
Starting in December of 1942, the Italians used an interned freighter, the Olterra, as a base from which their “frogmen” limpeters commandoes conducted daring night-time raids against Allied shipping in the harbor near Gibraltar. A supplementary card set is also available to expand this game. [Forum | card set]
- Depths of Courage, Volume 7: The Raid on Gibraltar (new from HFDG)
- Fighting Eagles Review
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Land of Confusion: The Battle for Fulda Gap, 1985 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Communist East Germany’s western border projected a salient that was pointed directly at this
key geographic feature of West Germany. If offered the Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces the shortest and most direct route through West Germany and the Rhine River. This game recreates the Battle that would take place in the Fulda Gap. [Forum] - Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Alfred the Great, Volume 3 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Black Lion’s Roar (new from High Flying Dice Games)
simulates the first major attack by United States forces during World War I. During their spring offensive, the German 82nd Division captured the crucial crossorads of the town of Cantigny. The 1st US Infantry Division was rushed to the front and its 28th Infantry Regiment, nicknamed the "Black Lions", was ordered to retake and hold the town. [Forum]