- Black Shirts, Red Blood (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Black Shirts, Red Blood: The Battle of Guadalajara, March 8-23, 1937. Following the successful stand by the Republicans at Madrid Nationalist Generalissimo, Francisco Franco, issued an urgent call for reinforcements to his Fascist German and Italian supporters. Dictator Benito Mussolini responded by sending tens of thousands of “volunteers” made up into the “Corpo di Truppe Volontarie” (CTV). The focus of the attack was the key crossroads town of Guadalajara north and east of Madrid; its capture would compel a Republican withdrawal that would severely weaken their hold on the capital. The largest battle of the Spanish Civil War to-date was about to be waged. [Forum]
- Eternal City’s End (new from High Flying Dice Games)
This solitaire or two player game portrays a series of “what ifs” based upon the historical situation following the Italian Armistice that was signed September 8, 1943. Starting from the historical positions of the Italian and German formations, one player, as the Italian, must try to save Rome from falling into German hands before the arrival of American paratrooper reinforcements to support them in rescuing the Eternal City from Nazi occupation. [Forum]
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- SAC: All-Out Nuclear War (new from High Flying Dice Games)
SAC: All-Out Nuclear War With the Soviet Union, October 1962: SAC is an introductory level, low complexity wargame simulation. It portrays a “what if” attack by the US Strategic Air Command (SAC) against the USSR. The premise of the game is that the Cuban “missile crisis” escalated to an all-out nuclear war between the Cold War protagonists. The game is designed for two players, one taking on the role of the attacking US forces and the other the defending air defense forces of the Soviet Union. The game can also be played solitaire. [Forum]
- Cold Confusion: The Soviet Raid on Iceland, 1985 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Cold Confusion: The Soviet Raid on Iceland, 1985 covers an attack on NATO’s air and naval installations near Reykjavik, Iceland was assumed should war between the alliance and the Soviet Union break out. The airfield at Keflavik played a crucial role in Operation Reforger which would rush vital resupplies and reinforcements from the US and Canada to Western Europe. [Forum]
- Victory in Hell (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The First Battle of the Naktong River, August 5-19, 1950. North Korea’s invasion of the South in June was swift and devastating. The US-led UN coalition and surviving South Korean forces withdrew to a small perimeter centered on the South Korean port of Pusan. By August the North Korean forces, although bloodied by repeated US airstrikes and weakened by stragglers from their swift advance, were massed for what many thought would be a final offensive to take the rest of South Korea. [Forum]
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Long Cruel Woman (new from High Flying Dice Games)
covers the attack on Firebase Mary Ann, March 28, 1971. By the Spring of 1971, for most Americans, the “light at the end of tunnel” that had become the War in Vietnam was in sight. Peace talks were well underway in Paris, as was “Vietnamization’; President Nixon’s official policy for turning over the bulk of the war effort and fighting to the forces of the ARVN (Army of the Republic of [South] Vietnam). As part of the transition the 23rd US Infantry Division, the “Americal”, was due to be rotated out of fighting and turning over its positions to the ARVN First Corps. [Forum]
- Mud, Blood & Steel Review
- Breaking the Ice (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Breaking the Ice: The 1942 Great Lakes “Winter Fleet”. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor the US was suddenly thrust into WW2. Every manufacturing concern was now faced with the daunting tasks of converting production facilities to wartime goods at levels never before seen during peacetime. The focus on the US steel industry was of particular concern, as nearly all weapons and wartime support derived from their factories and workers. This is a solitaire play game on the Great Lakes “Winter Fleet”. The player will have to allocate valuable resources and deploy the car ferry ice breakers to support the ore fleet in the mission of delivering the most ore to the production ports as possible, with a minimal amount of damage to the fleet as possible. [Forum]
- Depths of Courage (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Depths of Courage vol. 10: Raid on New York is a solitaire play game on the planned but never implemented Italian mini-sub and frogmen raid on New York Harbor in 1943. The Italian fleet submarine that was to ferry the mini-sub and frogmen, the Leonardo da Vinci, was sunk in the Bay of Biscay while training for the raid. It is one of the intriguing "what ifs" of WWII that board games are perfect for exploring to see if this was indeed feasible or fantasy. [Forum]
- Thunder Upon the Water (new from High Flying Dice Games)
recreates the Battle of Albemarle Sound, May 5, 1864. Thunder Upon the Water details the battle of Albemarle Sound fought on May 5th, 1864. Via the sound’s numerous ports Confederate blockade runners brought badly needed supplies for the rebel nation. In April a Confederate army supported by the new ironclad CSS Albemarle, captured the Union held port of Plymouth. Encouraged by this success, Confederate General Robert Hoke planned an offensive to recapture the city of Bern, held by Union forces for nearly two years. [Forum]
- Shredding Peace (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The Raid on Samu, November 13, 1966. For nearly two years the Palestinian Fatah organization in the West Bank conducted cross border raids into the Israel that became increasingly deadly and violent. These resulted in nearly 100 Israeli dead and injured as well as extensive property damage, including private Israeli homes. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol authorized a retaliatory raid, dubbed Operation Shredder, into the southwest corner of the West Bank against the town of Samu and several other villages south of the city of Hebron. [Forum]
- Desert Carnage (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Desert Carnage: The Second Battle of Nanawa, July 1933. Desert Carnage covers the three day battle between Bolivia and Paraguay during the long Chaco War. The Chaco War remains the only declared war that occurred in South America. In brief, Bolivia wanted access to the Atlantic, and demanded Paraguay cede territory. The earlier discoveries of minerals and oil by Shell and Standard Oil prompted both companies to pursue these objectives in concordance with the Bolivian government through the Chaco desert area. For Bolivia, access to the Atlantic would allow projected oil pipelines to the Paraguay River to be built and allow for commerce. [Forum]
- Ivar the Boneless (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Ivar the Boneless: The Northumbrian Blood Eagle Campaign, 866 AD, portrays the Viking invasion of what would be Alfred the Great’s territory ten years before he ascended to the throne and the campaign covered in Alfred the Great volume 1. As with the other games in the series it is as much a strategic as tactical game. While there will be pitched battles both players will have to make decisions as to when and where to fight, and how best to maximize your strengths, whether Viking or Saxon. [Forum]
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- Hell in the Holy Land (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- Profile in Courage: PT-109 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
PT Boats at Rendova were tasked the dangerous mission of patrolling each night in the Blackett Strait, where they tried to disrupt this Japanese supply line. One of the young PT-Boat skippers was 26 year old Lt. John F. Kennedy of PT 109. This solitaire play game is based on his exploits in the South Pacific during the months of July and August 1943. [Forum]
- Land of Confusion 3 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The Battle for Hof Gap, 1985. If the “balloon had gone up” in Cold War Europe during the 1980s, another of the hotter spots of that hell would have been the Hof Gap. NATO’s US Seventh Corps and West German forces would be outnumbered by Soviet and East German forces coming from the north, as well as others from the east out of Czechoslovakia. [Forum]
- An Undeniable Victory (new from High Flying Dice Games)
An Undeniable Victory: Operation Fath-ol-Mobin, March 23-28, 1982. An Undeniable Victory is a simulation of Iran’s first large-scale offensive in its war against Iraq. The previous year Iraqi forces had captured large swaths of Iranian territory. With the front line dangerously close to Khorramshahr, the Mullahs in Tehran ordered the Iranian military to launch an offensive at the earliest opportunity to eliminate the threat to this vital Iranian city and production center. [Forum]