- Bad News on the Doorstep (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Bad News on the Doorstep: The Battle of Kontum, May 1972. One of the most violent battles of the Easter Offensive was fought over the town of Kontum. The central highlands town had been subject to many attacks over the years, but this was the most prolonged and unlike the earlier fights which were waged by the NLF, this was a large-scale conventional battle that included tanks and massive numbers of artillery and rocket support. The game is the latest in a series of games portraying famous battles of the Vietnam War. [Forum]
- No Time for Prayer (new from High Flying Dice Games)
No Time For Prayer details the battles for the port and city of New Orleans; Head of Passes and Forts Jackson and St. Philip. The battles to take control of New Orleans were not easy ones. Can you do as well or better than your historical counterpart? No Time For Prayer is two games in one package, and is the latest game in the series that portrays famous naval battles of the 1860s. [Forum]
- Depths of Courage 9 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Depths of Courage vol. 9: Raid on Alexandria, December 29, 1941. This solitaire play game portrays the daring WWII raid by Italian frogmen on the Royal Navy port facilities at Alexandria, Egypt. The active player takes on the role of the commanders of the three, two-man crew S.L.C. (Siluro Lenta Corsa) Maiale (Pig) class mini-submarines. You must endeavor to overcome the Allied defenses and night-time visibility to inflict as much damage as possible before being killed, captured or escaping. [Forum]
- Alfred the Great: The London Campaign (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Alfred the Great volume 5: The London Campaign, 885 AD. Alfred in this period commenced both the re-structuring of his Army and his Burh building program in earnest. Defense in depth was Alfred’s objective and this was to be proved highly effective. The Burh was used as a defensive/offensive structure, where possible utilizing existing ancient Roman & Briton forts or based upon existing fortified Saxon towns. [Forum]
- Kind of a Drag: Operation Durango, 1967 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Kind of a Drag: Operation Durango/Frisco City, April 1967. General Westmoreland put forward in the Fall of 1966 a bold plan to invade the southern “pan handle” of North Vietnam as well as neighboring areas of Laos through which the Communist’s supply line (dubbed the “Ho Chi Minh Trail”) ran. The plan was to take and hold these areas to interdict the Communist’s support to the South, as well as compel the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) to do battle in the open against the US and ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) to take back their occupied homeland and supply lines. [Forum]
- Ram vs. Stag: The Battle of Bir el Gubi (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Ram vs. Stag: The Battle of Bir el Gubi, November 19, 1941. Ram vs. Stag is a low complexity war game simulation of the first battle fought near the village and oasis at Bir el Gubi in Libya. In response to General Erwin Rommel’s bold offensive the British-led Allied forces launched a counter offensive to defeat the Axis forces that were besieging Tobruk. Dubbed Operation Crusader, the Allied attack was launched on November 18th and caught the Axis by surprise. [Forum]
- Mahoning Monstrosity (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Mahoning Monstrosity: Monsters Attack Youngstown, Ohio Summer 1977. It is the summer of 1977 and out of the PCB laden depths of the Mahoning River rises a hideous monster to threaten downtown Youngstown, Ohio. Can you mobilize Steel city’s finest and the Ohio National Guard, all aided or hindered by local personalities, to defend the city and its populace? Learn and enjoy this whimsical historical gaming salute to Youngstown as it battles a mythical monster during the summer before the real ones came to the fore that fateful October. [Forum]
- September’s Corsairs Expansion (new from High Flying Dice Games)
September’s Corsairs: The Thompson Trophy Air Races, 1946-1949. This is the expansion game for September’s Eagles: The Thompson Trophy Air Races, 1929-1949. With this expansion all of the Thompson Trophy Air Races can now be played. The expansion includes two new decks of plane and pilot cards, 14 new die cut plane counters, 6 new course markers and an eight-page rules/scenario booklet. All come packaged in a zip lock bag that will fit in the September’s Eagles game box. Note: You must own September’s Eagles to play September’s Corsairs. [Forum]
- Sad Days of Battle (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Sad Days of Battle: The Battle of Jarama, February 6-27, 1937. After failing to take Madrid in November, Francisco Franco ordered his forces to cut off the former capital city and now symbol of Republican resistance by taking the roads south of the city linking it to the Republican government in Valencia. The attack over the Jarama River was to be coordinated with the Italian’s offensive to the north and east of the city along the Guadalajara River. However, the Italians were taking longer than anticipated to get their forces into positions, hindered by poor weather and abysmal planning. With growing impatience General Franco ordered his forces to attack, supported by the German Condor Legion as well as masses of new German tanks, artillery pieces and ample supplies of ordinance. [Forum]
- Brave and Noble Fights Review
- Hot Sand, Cold Steel (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- Walking a Bloody Path (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Walking a Bloody Path: The Battle of Fallen Timbers, 1794. This is the newest addition to the Battles of the Old Northwest Series of games; others on the battles of Kekionga, River Raisin, Wabash River and Tippecanoe were released earlier and ones on the battles of Chatham/Thames and Horseshoe Bend are in the works. Like the others in the series players use a deck of playing cards to activate their units and determine other game events. [Forum]
- A Kingly Fight: The Battle of Bouvines (new from High Flying Dice Games)
- Interview with Paul Rohrbaugh
- No Satisfaction: Operation Hump, 1965 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The 173rd Composite Airborne Brigade was composed of units from the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Following the US intervention in April, the unit was deployed to Đồng Nai Province to protect the Bien Hoa Airbase. The 173rd was a “showcase” unit that embodied what was to have been an international effort to combat the spread of Communism in South Vietnam. From the start the unit was engaged in battles with the National Liberation Front’s 9th Division for control of the province. [Forum]
- Somewhere Far Beyond (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Somewhere Far Beyond: The Battle of Prairie Grove, December 7. 1862. Somewhere Far Beyondis an historical simulation of the battle fought on December 7, 1862 in the hills of Arkansas, between the Union Army of the Frontier commanded by General John Schofield and the Confederate Army of the Trans-Mississippi led by General Thomas Hindman. The battle at Prairie Grove was the last chance for the Confederacy to turn the tide of the war in that theatre to their favor. [Forum]
- Black Hell: The Battle for Los Negros Island (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Black Hell: The Battle for Los Negros Island, February-March, 1944. Before fleeing Corregidor, General Douglas MacArthur pledged to return to the Philippines. It was first necessary to retake New Guinea and at least neutralize the Japanese fortified base at Rabaul. Taking the island of Los Negros and its airbase at Momote would cut off Rabaul’s ability to receivd supplies from Japan or elsewhere, and allow the US-led forces to advance for an offensive to retake the Philippines. [Forum]
- An Unpleasant and Devastating Fight (new from High Flying Dice Games)
An Unpleasant and Devastating Fight: The Battle for Sittang Bridge, February 21-22, 1942. The situation for the Allies in Burma was increasingly desperate following the Japanese invasion that began in December 1941. After nearly a month of fighting the British Dominion forces were in full retreat, hoping to meet with reinforcements being rushed to the theater and to regroup behind the Sittang River. Another victory for the Japanese could lead to the capture of that major port and even more conquests by the sons from the land of the Rising Sun. [Forum]
- Custom Card Decks (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Check out the numerous custom card sets created to enhance HFDG releases, along with games published by Landsknecht Publishing (Against the Odds and Turning Point Simulations). There is also a new card set for Iron and Fire, which was one of the games featured in Against the Odds 2018 Annual ($9 plus shipping). [Forum]
- A Cold and Resolute Fight (new from High Flying Dice Games)
A Cold and Resolute Fight: The Battle for Navik, April-June, 1940. The German invasion of Demark and Norway, Operation Weserűbung, was a bold gamble by the invaders. The greatest risk for the Germans was at the northern most all-weather port of Narvik. Here the Germans landed troops that quickly overwhelmed the local Norwegian garrison but left them entirely dependent upon supplies and reinforcements that would arrive by ship or air transport. Purchase a custom card deck for the game to replace a standard card deck for an additional $6. [Forum]