- Interview with Ty Bomba
- Foreign Legion Paratroopers Replay
- Netherlands East Indies: 1941 to 1942 Review
- D-Day at Saipan Review
- Gaza 1917: Gateway to Jerusalem Review
- North German Plain Review
- Four Battles of the Ancient World Replay
- Wacht Am Rhein Play Session [video]
- The Antietam Campaign Replay [video]
- S&T Quarterly, Issue 20: Aircraft Carriers w/ Map Poster (new from Decision Games)
Aircraft Carriers: Every age of naval warfare is dominated by one ship type, from ancient galleys to ships-of-the-line to dreadnought battleships. The middle of the 20th century was dominated by the aircraft carrier. The aircraft of the day were only good for observation, but in that role, they gave a fleet eyes beyond the horizon for the first time in history. As aircraft became more powerful, the carrier challenged, then supplanted, the battleship as queen of the sea. [Forum]
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Review [Italian]
- S&T Magazine, Issue 337: Caporetto – The Italian Front 1917-1918 (new from Decision Games)
Caporetto: The Italian Front 1917–1918 is a two-player wargame of the last year of the Italian Front, from the Central Powers’ offensive of the Fall of 1917 until the end of the war in October 1918. In this game, both players command two powerful but fragile forces: the armies of Italy and Austria-Hungary that, in the last year of the war, were at the end of their tether. [Forum]
- World at War, Issue 87: Netherlands East Indies (new from Decision Games)
Netherlands East Indies: 1941 to 1942 is an operational wargame of the campaign in 1941-42 in which the Japanese seized control of the Dutch colonial empire in the South Pacific. NEI is a combined naval-air-land campaign, in which operational capabilities can be decisive. The game system shows the effects of various operations over the course of a scenario. Players conduct Actions which encompass discrete combat, logistical, intelligence and other operations. The system shows the interaction of naval, air and land forces. At stake: the resources of the South Seas and the gateways to the Indian Ocean and Australia. [Forum]
- Cold War Battles: Angola ’87 Replay
- World at War, Issue 86: The Chaco War (new from Decision Games)
The Chaco War, 1932-1935. The Chaco War was fought out by two landlocked countries, Bolivia and Paraguay in South America. On paper, the Bolivians should win handily: they enjoyed a three to one superiority in manpower against the Paraguayans. However, to reach the front the Bolivians had to overcome long lines of communication, impossible terrain and low morale. The Paraguayans, on the other hand, saw the war as a life-or-death struggle. [Forum]
- S&T Magazine, Issue 336: First Punic War (new from Decision Games)
First Punic War 264 to 241 BC is a two-player wargame of the first great military clash between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian Empire, spanning 24 years in the 3rd century BC. At this time, Rome controlled a federation of states in Italy, while Carthage was the major power of the Western Mediterranean. [Forum]
- S&T Quarterly, Issue 19: French & Indian War w/ Map Poster (new from Decision Games)
- D-Day at Saipan (new from Decision Games)
D-Day at Saipan (solitaire). Fight for the island battle made famous in the movie, The Windtalkers. Included is a campaign scenario, with smaller scenarios for the initial invasion, Death Valley, and the drive north. One mounted map board, two counter sheets (352 counters), 55 cards, full color play aid cards, and a 48-page full color rules booklet. [Forum]
- Battles of the Ancient World: Marathon and Granicus Replay
- D-Day at Tarawa First Impression