- Merrill’s Marauders: Commandos in Burma 1943-1944 Review
- Hurtgen: Hell’s Forest Replay [video]
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Replay
- World at War, Issue 56: Bastogne Solitaire (new from Decision Games)
a solitaire game covering the German siege of the town of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, specifically the period 18-26 December when the town was surrounded. Bastogne Solo is based on Dien Bien Phu (Modern War #17), but there are some significant differences. You (the player) command US forces, while the game system controls the Germans. The game is a race against time. You must hold out until relieved by Patton’s Third Army. If not, the Germans take the town and possibly gain a better outcome for the Battle of the Bulge. [Forum]
- Wilson’s Creek: Opening Round in the West, 10 August 1861 Review
- The First Crusade Review [video]
- Destruction of Army Group Center, Second Edition Review
- Atlantic Wall: D-Day to Falaise Replay
- Modern War, Issue 31: Combat Veteran (new from Decision Games)
featuring the insert game, Combat Veteran, a simple two-player tactical combat system that simulates the dynamics of infantry combat at the individual (man-to-man) level. This game features two particular historic scenarios as the introduction to the wider system: Firefight at the Rice Paddy Angle (Vietnam in Mekong region, 1967), and Firefight at Combat Outpost Keating (Afghanistan in the Nuristan Province, 2009). Both firefights involved about a platoon of US infantry against a numerically superior enemy force. [Forum]
- Cactus Air Force: Air War Over the Solomons Replay
- Cactus Air Force: Air War Over the Solomons Variant
- MiG Alley: Air War Over Korea 1951 Review
- Greater East Asia War Review
- First Battle of Britain: The Air War Over England, 1917-18 Review
- Atlantic Wall: D-Day to Falaise Play Tutorial [video]
- Merrill’s Marauders: Commandos in Burma 1943-1944 Replay
- Battle of the Scheldt: The Devil’s Moat Review
- Nine Navies War Review
- Merrill’s Marauders Review [video]
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 306: Agricola (new from Decision Games)
featured insert game covers the campaign fought by Gnaeus Julius Agricola, the Roman governor of Britain (AD 77-85) to conquer northern Britannia (modern Britain). There are two players, the Roman and the Caledonian (the latter actually representing various northern British tribes). Each player has units that represent military formations or tribal warbands. Players move their units, conduct battles and objectives. [Forum]