- Alesia: Last Stand of the Gauls Replay
- World at War, Issue 63: The Central Pacific Campaign (new from Decision Games)
featuring the insert game, The Central Pacific Campaign. This is a solitaire, strategic-level wargame of the struggle for control of the Central Pacific during World War II. The solitaire player is commanding the US forces and the system controls the Japanese forces. The player wins by accomplishing historic campaign milestones ahead of what was done historically, thereby opening the way for an earlier invasion of Okinawa or Formosa. [Forum]
- Imperium Romanum (Decision Games Preorder)
Imperium Romanum is an update to the classic game of the Roman Empire by Al Nofi. The rules cover the intricacies of the political, economic, and military conflicts of the Roman world from the first century BC to its fall nearly 700 years later. The game includes over 40 scenarios, with six new scenarios and three introductory scenarios. [Forum]
- Last Battles of Napoleon Replay
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Review
- Interview with Al Nofi
- Vikings: Scourge of the North Review
- Wellington’s Victory, 2nd Ed. Initial Impressions [video]
- Modern War, Issue 38: Soyuz ’81 (new from Decision Games)
featuring the insert game, Soyuz ’81, an intermediate low complexity two-player wargame covering the possibilities inherent within the first month of that never-run operation. The Soviet player is cast in the role of aggressor, attempting to make work a classic strategy of “converging columns” advancing from around the periphery of Poland. His success or failure will be reckoned on his ability to bring that country to heel without having to expend an inordinate amount of military and political power to do it. [Forum]
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Replay [video]
- D-Day at Iwo Jima Review
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 313: Windhoek, 1914-15 (new from Decision Games)
- World War I Replay
- Beyond the Urals: Campaign in Russia, 1942 Review
- World at War, Issue 62: Spanish Civil War Battles (new from Decision Games)
featuring the insert game, Spanish Civil War Battles. This is a two-player, operational-level wargame of the Belchite (August to September 1937) Battles of Teruel (December 1937), and Alfambra (December 1937 to February 1938). The game uses Eric Harvey’s popular Fire & Movement system rules with exclusive rules allowing the game to simulate these three important struggles of the Spanish Civil War. [Forum]
- Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #3: Stalingrad (new from Decision Games)
this issue provides an in-depth historical analysis of one of history’s greatest battles. It analyzes every facet of the 1942 German offensive in Russia, including the Soviet counteroffensive that marked the war’s overall turning point. The nine chapters each include several original maps, detailed orders of battle, and numerous photographs. The issue is written to be of value to both newcomers to the topic as well as those who already consider themselves experts on it. The prose is clear and free of jargon, but rich in detail and analysis. This issue includes a map poster showing the Battle of Stalingrad. [Forum]
- Empires of the Middle Ages Replay [video]
- Empires of the Middle Ages Replay [video]
- Battles of the Ancient World Volume II Replay
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 312: Alesia (new from Decision Games)
featuring the insert game, Alesia, a two-player game of the epic battle between Roman and Gallic forces in 52 BC. The battle pitted two of the great Leaders of that era against each other: Julius Caesar and Vercingetorix. This began as a Roman siege of the Gallic fortress at Alesia, and concluded with a decisive battle. The game system emphasizes command control. Players pick command markers to generate actions, modeling the chaos of the original battle. The Gallic objective is to break out of Alesia and link up with the relief army coming in from off the map. The Roman’s (caught in the middle) objective is to defeat the Gauls and eliminate Vercingetorix. [Forum]