- Forgotten Pacific Battles Replay
- Panzers East Solitaire Review
- Campaigns of 1777 Review [video]
- Foreign Legion Paratrooper Review
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Replay
- War in the Pacific, Second Edition Unboxing [video]
- Forgotten Pacific Battles Review
- Modern War, Issue 47: Objective Nuremberg (new from Decision Games)
features the insert game, Objective Nuremberg. This game is the first volume of the 7DR (Seven Days to the Rhine) Series. This is a two-player alternative history wargame intended to investigate the operational parameters that would have been in place during the first four days of fighting in that border area of West Germany had the Soviet Union decided to try to attack sometime in the early 1980s. It was during that time frame the Warsaw Pact achieved a possible decisive “correlation of forces” between their militaries and those of the West. [Forum]
- Paratrooper: Great Airborne Assaults, Korea Review
- Battles of the Ancient World Volume III Replay
- Red Tide South Replay
- Modern War, Issue 46: Foreign Legion Paratrooper (new from Decision Games)
a solitaire wargame in which the player controls the French forces. The game system controls various Opposition Forces (OPFOR). The game is played in missions (or scenarios). You can link the various missions into a larger campaign game. The game can also be played by two or more players, each controlling different parts of the REP. [Forum]
- Arabian Nightmare: The Kuwait War Replay [video]
- Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg! Replay
- S&T Issue 321: Paratrooper: Great Airborne Assaults, Korea (new from Decision Games)
Paratrooper: Great Airborne Assaults, Korea is a game system simulating airborne operations. There are two players, commanding the airborne and defending forces. Each game in the system will include one or more scenarios, representing different airborne operations. This game includes two scenarios: OPERATION TOMAHAWK: Ridgway Springs the Trap, March 1951 and SUKCHON-SUNCHON: Air Assualt on North Korea, October 1950. [Forum]
- Belisarius’s War Review
- Bleeding Kansas Game Analysis, Part 4
- Crete 1941 Replay
- Bleeding Kansas Game Analysis, Part 3
- Suez ’56: Anglo French Intervention in Egypt Review