- Red Eagles Over The Kuban First Look [video]
- Strategy & Tactics Quarterly, Issue 12: Dreadnoughts
Dreadnoughts – Big-Gun Era of Naval Warfare: Few weapons have come and gone so precipitously as the modern battleship. HMS Dreadnought, launched in 1906, instantly made every other battleship obsolete. Though only a single major dreadnought battle was ever fought, at Jutland in 1916, the race continued after the Great War. The sheer expense drove the leading naval powers to the conference table to limit the size of ships and fleets, providing an opening for pariah nations, the soon-to-be Axis, to leap ahead in battleship design, only to be overtaken by greater Allied shipbuilding capacity and the maturation of the aircraft carrier. [Forum]
- Yom Kippur 1973 War First Look [video]
- World at War, Issue 75: Centrifugal Offensive (new from Decision Games)
Centrifugal Offensive: The Japanese Campaign in the Pacific, 1941-42 is a solitaire, strategic level wargame of the initial Imperial Japanese campaigns in the Pacific War, 1941 to 1942. The player commands the Japanese forces, with the Allies are controlled by the game system. The player's objective is to accomplish campaign objectives ahead of the original schedule, thereby forestalling the inevitable US-led Allied offensive. [Forum]
- Objective Nuremberg: 7 Days to the Rhine Replay
- World at War, Issue 74: Munich War 1938 (new from Decision Games)
Munich War 1938 is a two player operational level simulation of a hypothetical World War II in Europe that began in the fall of 1938. The assumption is that the British and French governments did not back down at the September 1938 Munich conference when Hitler demanded the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and instead went to war with the Third Reich. The ensuing conflict finds the powers partially prepared for war. [Forum]
- Forgotten Pacific Battles Review
- Napoleon and the Archduke Charles: The Battle of Abensberg Review
- Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #11: Thirty Years’ War (new from Decision Games)
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Replay
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 324: Fight The Fall (new from Decision Games)
featuring two insert games: Fight The Fall: Faesulae A.D. 405 & Tricamerum A.D. 533 is a two-player wargame system that simulates the battles that occurred during the era AD 376 to 560, roughly the time from when the Goths crossed the Danube to the Byzantine reconquest of the west. The game system emphasizes command control, leaders and unique tactics. Players pick command markers to generate actions, modeling the chaos of the battlefield. The objective is to gain victory in battle, usually by destroying enemy units and morale. [Forum]
- Modern War, Issue 49: Objective Munich (new from Decision Games)
This game is the second volume of the 7DR (Seven Days to the Rhine) Series. Objective Munich is a two-player alternative history wargame intended to investigate the operational parameters that would have been in place during the first four days of fighting in that border area of West Germany had the Soviet Union decided to try to attack sometime in the early 1980s. It was during that timeframe the Warsaw Pact achieved a possible decisive "correlation of forces" between their militaries and those of the West. [Forum]
- Objective Nuremberg: 7 Days to the Rhine Review
- Axis Empire: Dai Senso Play Session [video]
- Arabian Nightmare Replay
- Atlantic Wall: D-Day to Falaise Review
- Axis Empires: Dai Senso! Play Session, Part 9 [video]
- World at War, Issue 73: Spring Awakening (new from Decision Games)
Spring Awakening is a two player wargame of Operation Fruhlingserwachen, the final major German offensive of World War II. The German plan was to launch a two-pronged attack to secure a defensive zone for the Lake Balaton oilfields in northern Hungary. The offensive failed in the face of Soviet resistance, and the ensuing Red Army offensive swept into Vienna. While historically, the situation was dismal for the Third Reich, the objective is for players to do better than their historical counterparts. [Forum]
- Axis Empires: Dai Senso! Play Session [video]
- D-Day at Omaha Beach Replay