- D-Day at Peleliu First Look [video]
- World at War, Issue 78: Drive on Suez (new from Decision Games)
Drive on Suez is a solitaire game where the player takes command of the German-Italian Panzer Armee Afrika (PAA) during the 1942 campaign in Egypt as Rommel drives on the Suez Canal. The game system plays the Allied Middle East Command (MEC). While Suez is a solitaire game, multiple players can play as the PAA team, making decisions by consensus, or each managing operations along one of the Routes of Advance. Each turn can represent any amount of time from two days of intense combat to two weeks of refitting and reorganizing. The map scale is approximately 45 km to the inch. Ground combat units represent everything from battalions to divisions. Air units represent two to six groups. [Forum]
- D-Day at Tarawa Replay
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 328: Vicksburg (new from Decision Games)
- Objective Kassel Combined Game Replay
- SPI’s War In Europe (SPI and Decision Games Editions) Review
- Objective Kassel Review
- Mansfield Review [video]
- Modern War, Issue 53: Objective Kassel (new from Decision Games)
Objective Kassel is a two-player alternative history wargame intended to investigate the operational parameters that would have been in place during the first four days of fighting in that border area of West Germany had the Soviet Union decided to try to attack sometime in the early 1980s. It was during that timeframe the Warsaw Pact achieved a possible decisive “correlation of forces” between their militaries and those of the West. [Forum]
- Event and Faction Cards for The War for Turkish Liberation [video]
- D-Day at Tarawa Replay
- Putin Moves East Review
- Decision Games Deluxe Edition 2023 Survey
- Molino Del Rey First Look [video]
- RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940 Replay [video]
- S&T Quarterly #13 – Gettysburg w/ Map Poster (new from Decision Games)
Gettysburg: High Tide or Desperate Gamble? Gettysburg (1-3 July 1863) has achieved near-legendary status among Civil War aficionado and non-history buff alike. The story covers not three days but three months, involving decision-making at the highest governmental levels as well as action by quick-thinking individuals on the battlefield. Christopher Perello takes another plunge into these deep waters, examining how the campaign and battle came about, how they progressed as they did, and how one or both might have turned out differently. [Forum]
- Combat Veteran First Look [video]
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 327: Suwałki Gap (new from Decision Games)
Suwałki Gap is a two-player wargame based on hypothetical Russian attack on the Baltic States and Poland taking place sometime between 2023 and 2025. The sides and capabilities in this game are based on current procurement, recruitment, and basing plans to the extent of publicly available information. This game in particular examines the concept of the "Suwałki Gap," a 65km section of the Polish-Lithuanian border between Belarus and Kaliningrad, and the potential of a Russian encirclement of the Baltic States by attacking over this route. [Forum]
- D-Day at Tarawa Replay
- Putin’s War: Crisis in the Baltic Review