- Thirty Years War Decisive Battles First Look [video]
- Suez ’56: Anglo-French Intervention in Egypt Capsule Review
- Caesar’s War: The Conquest of Gaul, 58-52 BC Review
- Cactus Air Force Review
- Strategy & Tactics Quarterly, Issue 16: China – The Next War (new from Decision Games)
Featuring a map poster! China – The Next War: China has been expanding its reach economically, politically, and militarily. The US remains its chief adversary on every level, but what strategies will be most effective in containing the burgeoning superpower? China’s long history gives it a wealth of political-military principles to direct its likely moves; the failure to understand them could doom its opposition. This is an examination of the potential for war, and of its disparate battlefields in the air, on land, at and under the sea, in space, and in the digital world. [Forum]
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 332: Thirty Years War Battles (new from Decision Games)
Thirty Years War Battles is a grand tactical two player system for simulating battles in Europe during the first half of the 17th century. Each game in the system is based on one of the major battles of the 30 Years War. Each battle has its own map, special rules and counters representing the military formations which participated in the original action. [Forum]
- Lettow-Vorbeck East Africa 1914-1918 Replay
- Cactus Air Force Review [video]
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 331: On to Baghdad! (new from Decision Games)
On to Baghdad! is an operational-strategic level, two-player wargame covering the campaign in Mesopotamia and Persia in World War I. Players control either the Allies representing the British-Indian, Russians pro-Allied Persians, Kuwaitis, and pro-Allied Partisans or the Central Powers representing the Ottoman Turks (or Turks), Germans, Austro-Hungarian, pro-CP Persians, and pro-CP Partisans. The Allied objective is to gain strategic control of Mesopotamia and Persia, including oil resources and critical cities. The Central Powers objective is to retain control and threaten British interests in the Persian Gulf and India. [Forum]
- D-Day at Peleliu Replay
- Heroes of Telemark Review [video]
- D-Day at Tarawa Review
- World at War, Issue #80: Hannut, France 1940 (new from Decision Games)
Hannut: France 1940 is a two player operational level simulation of the battle fought during the Battle of Belgium that took place between 12 and 14 May 1940 at Hannut in Belgium. The ensuing battle was the largest clash of tanks in armored warfare history at the time. Hannut uses a simplified version of the Grand Operational Simulation Series (GOSS) rules that depict WWII combat at the battalion level. [Forum]
- Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg! Play Session
- Rising Sun Over China Review
- Strategy & Tactics #329: The Shanghai-Nanking Campaign 1937 (new from Decision Games)
The Shanghai-Nanking Campaign 1937 (SNC) is a two-player historical simulation of the largest single military campaign fought anywhere in the world during the interwar period. The Japanese player is primarily on the offensive, attempting nothing less than ending China’s existence as an independent country via the political shock of the rapid conquest of that country’s primary port and capital cities. [Forum]
- Battle for Germany: Deluxe Edition Replay
- Drive on Suez Review [video]
- Sepoy Mutiny First Look [video]
- Strategy & Tactics Quarterly, Issue 14 (new from Decision Games)
Origins of World War I: The Great War was both inevitable and eminently avoidable, but the mesh of ambition and perceived threats overcame every effort to stave off hostilities. This work examines those interests and the world through British, French, German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Italian, and Ottoman eyes, and how what should have been yet another local dispute in the Balkans dragged the continent into war. [Forum]