- The African Campaign, Designer Signature Edition Review [video]
- Battle Hymn Vol.1: Gettysburg and Pea Ridge Replay
- Interview with Eric Lee Smith [video]
- Enemy Action: Ardennes Play Example [video]
- Battle Hymn Vol.1: Gettysburg and Pea Ridge Replay
- Red Star/White Eagle, Designer Signature Edition Unboxing [video]
- Interview with Ty Bomba
- Battle Hymn, Volume One Unboxing [video]
- The Civil War Talk Radio Companion Podcast, Episode 1422
- Battle Hymn Vol. 1: Gettysburg And Pea Ridge (new from Compass Games)
Battle Hymn Vol. One is a new brigade-level game system based upon the latest research into Civil War combat that simulates the chaos of the America Civil War using a simple activation system combined with a detailed combat system. This release includes two games: Gettysburg: The Tide Turns and Pea Ridge: The Struggle for Missouri. Designed by Charles S. Roberts Award-winning designer Eric Lee Smith. [Forum]
- On to Paris! Review
- Forgotten Legions, Designer Signature Edition (Compass Games Preorder)
Forgotten Legions, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of not just one, but two wargaming classics by Vance von Borries: Drive on Damascus and Bloody Keren, both now published together for the first time in the same package and with the same basic rules set. They have been re-mastered and updated into all-new, super-sized editions. These were well regarded by many as balanced and thoughtful games. They cover fascinating, almost forgotten conflicts that would guide the course of WW II in the Mediterranean Theater. Forgotten Legions is yet another Classic Reborn by Compass Games! [Forum]
- A Pragmatic War: The War of the Austrian Succession, 1741-1748 (Compass Games Preorder)
a two-player, card-driven game simulating the War of the Austrian Succession. One player represents the Austrian interest and the other player represents the challengers to the Austrians, the Bavarian rival for the Imperial title, Charles Albert and his supporters. This game continues the series pioneered and excellently portrayed by Don Herndon’s No Peace Without Spain! and expanded upon by Nine Years: War of the Grand Alliance 1688-1697. The basic NPWS system is ported to APW but expanded and adapted to model the campaign. [Forum]
- The Late Unpleasantness: Two Campaigns to take Richmond (Compass Games Preorder)
covers the two major attempts to capture the Confederate Capital City. Gates of Richmond covers the Seven Days Battles with Robert E Lee facing down George McClellan. If It Takes All Summer is Ulysses S. Grant’s overland campaign of 1864, which added the names of Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse and Cold Harbor to Civil War history. Each game can be picked up and learned in under 30 minutes, and played entirely through in 4 hours or less. The cards, leaders and Wilderness/Magruder tables add a level of chrome and history to the games without making them difficult. Combined with the hidden strengths and dummy counters, no two games are ever the same. [Forum]
- Empires and Alliances: World War One Across Europe (new from Compass Games)
a strategic level simulation of the First World War by game designer, Rob Beyma. This is a completely NEW game that shares some similarities with his classic Avalon Hill game, Guns of August, and aims to be a big improvement over that original, classic game. This is a breathtaking game in both size and scope, featuring four maps and four countersheets that you won't want to miss! You can enjoy playing one-year scenarios in a single evening or the entire campaign game over a weekend. [Forum]
- Paper Wars, Issue 79: Thunderbirds at War Review [video]
- The Lamps Are Going Out Review [video]
- Lion of Judah: The War for Ethiopia, 1935-1941 Replay
- Interview with Gregory M. Smith
- South China Sea Replay