- The Peculiar Institution Preview [video]
- Wagram: Napoleon’s Final Triumph Replay
- Europe in Turmoil Unboxing [video]
- Combat! Review
- 1812! War on the Great Lakes Frontier Preview [video]
- Combat! First Impression
- Pacific Tide Unboxing [video]
- Nightfighter Ace: Air Defense Over Germany Review
- Wagram: Napoleon’s Final Triumph Review
- Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edition Review [video]
- Napoleon’s Eagles: Storm in the East (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Napoleon’s Eagles is a highly playable, action-packed card game set during the wars of 19th Century Europe. This is a card driven game designed to play through two famous battles of the late Napoleonic era: Borodino (September 5-7, 1812) and Leipzig (October 14-18, 1813). Two smaller battles are included (Shevardino and Lieberwolkwitz), as well as two campaign games that cover multiple days of battle. The game includes rules for cavalry charges, artillery bombardment, army morale and army commanders. [Forum]
- Nations in Arms (back in stock from Compass Games)
Back in stock. Nations in Arms: Valmy to Waterloo uses a extensively updated, modified and streamlined version of the Le Grand Empire game system from Pratzen Editions (that game covered the 1800-1815 time period). The result is that Nations in Arms is an entirely new, and very playable, Napoleonic epic from designer Stanislas Thomas. [Forum]
- Stalin’s World War III Review
- Blue Water Navy Replay
- Interceptor Ace: Daylight Air Defense Over Germany Unboxing [video]
- Combat! Review
- Blue Water Navy Replay
- Blue Water Navy Unboxing [video]
- Fatal Alliances: The Great War Replay
- Bitter Woods, Designer’s Edition, 2nd Printing Unboxing [video]