- Nations in Arms: Valmy to Waterloo Replay
- Interceptor Ace: Daylight Air Defense Over Germany Replay
- Interview with Mike Willner
- Amerika Bomber: Evil Queen of the Skies Replay
- Interceptor Ace Replay
- Interview with Mike Willner [video]
- South China Sea Replay
- War for America Preview and Combat Tutorial [video]
- Vietnam: Rumor of War Unboxing [video]
- Interview with John Poniske
- Ostkrieg: WW II Eastern Front (new from Compass Games)
Ostkrieg: WW II Eastern Front is a compact, strategic-level game covering the struggle on the Eastern Front during World War II by game designer, Mitchell Ledford. This game utilizes the unique and fast-paced, card-driven combat/build system introduced in Pacific Tide. revolving around ground and air operations. While extremely competitive as a two-player game, Ostkrieg can be enjoyed again and again in solitaire play format with its unique, “personality” driven bot system. [Forum]
- Interceptor Ace: Daylight Air Defense Over Germany Replay
- Nine Years: The War of the Grand Alliance Unboxing [video]
- Blue Water Navy Review
- Interview with Matthias Cramer
- France 1944, Designer Signature Edition (new from Compass Games)
France 1944 marks the return of an original game covering the historical events that led to the liberation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands during the Allied drive on Germany by renowned game designer, Mark Herman. This new signature edition has been re-mastered and updated and will be linking with an all-new companion game, Russia 1944, currently in design. [Forum]
- Granada: Last Stand Of The Moors, 1482-1492 (Compass Games Preorder)
a game for two players in which they will decide the outcome of this decisive historical episode in less than four hours. As the Catholic player, will you gain fame and glory accomplishing the Reconquista and enlarging your kingdoms in one unified powerful state? And as the Muslim player, will you resist and save Granada or will you become the last King of the Nasrid dynasty? Balanced and historically accurate, the game is easy to learn but difficult to master. [Forum]
- Barbarians at the Gates (Compass Games Preorder)
covering the Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 - 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates. [Forum]
- Compass Games Live, Episode 29 [video]
- Hearts & Minds, Third Edition Unboxing [video]