- Paper Wars, Issue 95: Hannibal (new from Compass Games)
featuring the insert game, Hannibal: The Italian Campaign, 218-208 BC by Stephen Newberg. This is a medium complexity strategic study of the Second Punic War. Turns represent a year of campaigning with map hexes scaled to 40 kilometers. The game included 200 counters, one full-size map, and the rules booklet. [Forum]
- France 1944: Designer Signature Edition Review [video]
- Brief Border Wars First Impression
- Stellar Horizons Review
- Compass Games Live, Episode 35 [video]
- Compass Games Weekly Update
- Amerika Bomber: Evil Queen of the Skies Replay
- Russia Besieged Player’s Guide Review [video]
- Brief Border Wars Review [video]
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 2 [video]
- Compass Games Live, Episode 34 [video]
- Interview with Andrew Rader [video]
- Brotherhood & Unity Sneak Preview
- Amerika Bomber: Evil Queen of the Skies Replay
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 1 [video]
- Brief Border Wars (new from Compass Games)
- Stellar Horizons Replay [video]
- Decision at Kasserine, Designer Signature Edition Unboxing [video]
- Interview with Designer Gregory M. Smith [video]
- Stellar Horizons Replay