- The Conquistadors (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
A game simulating the Spanish conquest of the Americas from 1518-1548. In the half-century after Columbus, small bands of daring Spanish adventurers conquered Central and South America, destroying the huge armies of long-established native empires in the process. Some won great fortunes in gold, while many others only died an early death. These men were The Conquistadors. In this partly card-driven, partly procedural game —a brand-new design from Jon Southard — one to five players each control a group of conquistadors, trying to discover and loot the civilizations of the Americas and end up with the most gold and power. [Forum]
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- Stellar Horizons Replay
- Compass Games Live, Episode 42 [video]
- 20 New Preorder Titles from Compass Games
- Interview with Gregory M. Smith
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- Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising Replay
- Stellar Horizons Replay
- Dawn’s Early Light: The War Of 1812 First Look [video]
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 9 [video]
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising Replay
- Spring Prelude: Second Kharkov, May 1942 Playtest Replay
- Raiders of the Deep After Action Report
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising Replay
- Compass Games Live, Episode 41 [video]
- Raiders of the Deep: U-boats of the Great War, 1914-18 Replay
- Fortress Europa, Designer Signature Edition AAR
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising Replay
- Red Poppies Campaigns Vol 3: Assault Artillery! First Look [video]