- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 18 [video]
- The Battle of Armageddon First Look [video]
- No Motherland Without First Look [video]
- The Battle of Armageddon (new from Compass Games)
a 2 to 6 player game dealing with the final battle as foretold in the Bible prophecies as the armies of the world will fight the final battle and that without divine intervention, no life shall be saved (Matthew 24: 22). The game brings together the forces of the World into the ultimate battle for control of the Earth. Six battle games are included which allow 2-3 players to play an hour-long game. [Forum]
- Compass Games Live, Episode 50 [video]
- The Fall of the Third Reich Play Session [video]
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 17 [video]
- Paper Wars, Issue 96: Rally ‘Round The Flag (new from Compass Games)
Rally 'Round the Flag: Perryville and Stones River 1862-1863 by Sean Chick. This brigade grand tactical system combines old school hex and counter maneuvers with rules for command and control, leader personalities, flexible artillery, and a CRT that favors quality and firepower over raw mass. The games come with multiple scenarios, including additional forces. Players can make Perryville the grand decisive battle or at Stones River additional Confederate forces that could decide the battle and the war. [Forum]
- An Attrition of Souls Replay
- Command & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising Replay
- Coalition: The Napoleonic Wars First Look [video]
- Compass Games Newsletter
- No Motherland Without (new from Compass Games)
No Motherland Without: North Korea in Crisis and Cold War is a card-driven strategy game for one or two players simulating tensions between the DPRK and the West from 1953 to present day. As the Kim Regime (DPRK), one player will be seeking a nuclear deterrent to invasion, preventing uprising, improving infrastructure and purging elites to prevent a coup. As the West, players will exert pressure on the regime. [Forum]
- Compass Games Live, Episode 49 [video]
- The Troubles – Shadow War in Northern Ireland 1964-1998 Preview
- Interceptor Ace First Look [video]
- Devil Boats: PT Boats in the Solomons First Look [video]
- Devil Boats: PT Boats in the Solomons Review [video]
- Devil Boats: PT Boats in the Solomons AAR
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 16 [video]