- Western Front Ace Review
- Compass Games Customer News
- Western Front Ace (new from Compass Games)
Western Front Ace: The Great War in the Air, 1916-1918 is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of a scout (fighter) aircraft during World War I. Each turn consists of one sortie, during which a combat will usually occur. The player may choose one of seven different nationalities to fly for, and can be based from one of many bases in along the trench lines or in Italy. Western Front Ace is based on the popular, action-packed Nightfighter Ace game system by Gregory M. Smith. [Forum]
- 2040: An American Insurgency ( from Compass Games)
2040: An American Insurgency simulates a US civil war in the 21st century. In this two-player, three-hour game, the blue team is the Federals, agents of the government in Washington. The red team is the Rebels, militia groups trying to seize control of states, highways, and cities. The conflict spreads across the continental US from Miami to Seattle and Los Angeles to New York. [Forum]
- Brotherhood & Unity First Impressions
- Interceptor Ace, Volume 2: Last Days of the Luftwaffe (new from Compass Games)
Interceptor Ace, Volume 2: Last Days of the Luftwaffe, 1944-1945 marks the sequel to Gregory M. Smith’s “Interceptor Ace,” designed by Fernando Sola. In this solitaire air combat game, players fly a single German interceptor in desperate combats against waves of American fighters and bombers at the end of WW2, facing incredible odds and risks and trying to survive to the end of the war. [Forum]
- Compass Games Expo Fall 2023
- Compass Games Expo Spring 2023 Photo Gallery
- Enemy Action: Kharkov Review
- Western Front Ace (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Western Front Ace: The Great War in the Air, 1916-1918 is a solitaire, tactical level game that places you in command of a scout (fighter) aircraft during World War I. Each turn consists of one sortie, during which combat usually occurs. The player may choose one of seven nationalities to fly for and can be based from one of many bases along the trench lines or in Italy. Western Front Ace is based on the popular, action-packed Nightfighter Ace game system by Gregory M. Smith and is the third game in the series, with a strong narrative around the pilot as you look to increase your prestige, earn skills, and rise in rank through promotion and receive awards. [Forum]
- American Tank Ace: 1944-1945 Replay
- No Peace Without Honor! Review
- Granada: Last Stand of the Moors Review
- Prelude to Revolution First Look [video]
- Compass Games Town Hall, Episode 63 [video]
- Carrier Battle: Philippine Sea First Look [video]
- Brothers at War Replay
- Carrier Battle: Philippine Sea Play Tutorial [video]
- Prelude to Revolution (new from Compass Games)
Prelude to Revolution: Russia’s Descent into Anarchy, 1905-1917 is a two-player card-driven game that immerses players in those turbulent years — The Russian Revolution — one of the most consequential events of the 20th century. The game is divided into three broad historical Eras – The Years of Turmoil (1905-1913), The Great War (1914-1916), and The Collapse (1917). [Forum]
- Compass Expo Spring 2023