- Marching Through Georgia Play Session [video]
- Lee Takes Command Replay [video]
- Triumph of Chaos v.2, Deluxe Edition Replay
- Triumph of Chaos, Deluxe 2nd Edition Replay
- Whistling Death Replay
- Wings of the Motherland First Impression
- Wings of the Motherland (new from Clash of Arms)
- The Battle of Fontenoy Replay
- Marching Through Georgia Unboxing [video]
- La Bataille de Mont Saint Jean, 2nd Edition (Clash of Arms Preorder)
- Wings of the Motherland (Clash of Arms Preorder)
Fighting Wings game system (Volume 4) goes to the Russian front, modeling aircraft and situations from the German invasion of Russia in the Summer of 1941 to the fall of Berlin in 1945. 48 new aircraft ADCs (very few duplicates from previous games and if so these are updated with better information), two double sided maps for four unique playing surfaces and two full counter sheets of air and ground units, one half counter sheet of ships and play-aid counters, plus the third edition rules and playa aids for the Fighting Wings system. [Forum]
- Triumph of Chaos, Deluxe 2nd Edition (new from Clash of Arms)
a two-player card driven strategic board game wherein the players assume the roles of the RED (Communist Forces) and the WHITE (reactionary forces). This epic conflict resulted in the toppling of three centuries of Romanov rule and its replacement by a totalitarian communist ideology. Set against a backdrop of the vast and spectacular Russian countryside, only the Russian winter could surpass the brutality of the fighting. Belligerents included the various Russian republics, anarchist and independence movements, adherents of the old regime, foreign contingents of volunteers and the overt intervention of the Major Powers. [Forum]
- Landships! Tactical Weapons Innovations 1914-1918 Replay
- La Bataille de Preussisch-Eylau Replay
- La Bataille des Quatre Bras Review
- Triumph of Chaos, Deluxe Edition Replay
- Landships! Tactical Weapons Innovations 1914-1918 Replay
- Triumph of Chaos, Deluxe 2nd Edition Replay
- The Battles of Mollwitz 1741 and Chotusitz 1742 Review
- Prague: The Empty Triumph Replay