- Great War at Sea: Russo-Japanese War Review
- Panzer Grenadier: Fire and Sword First Look [video]
- Panzer Grenadier: Fire & Sword (new from Avalanche Press)
- SWWAS South Pacific: Ironbottom Sound Historical Study (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- Panzer Grenadier: Liberation 1944 Playbook Edition (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- GWAS Remember the Maine Review
- Panzer Grenadier: An Army at Dawn Map Preview
- SWWAS Midway: Pearl Harbor Display
- GWAS Risk Fleet Preview
- Panzer Grenadier: An Army at Dawn Playbook Edition (new from Avalanche Press)
- Panzer Grenadier: Big Red One Campaign Study (new from Avalanche Press)
- Panzer Grenadier: Fire & Sword Map Preview
- GWAS U.S. Navy Plan Emerald (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- Panzer Grenadier: Jarama River 1937 (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- SWWAS Kingdom of Hawaii, A Campaign Study (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- GWAS Risk Fleet (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- GWAS: Rise of the Dragon, 2nd Edition (new from Avalanche Press)
- SWWAS Java Sea: Royal Thai Navy (new from Avalanche Press)
- Java Sea: Royal Thai Navy Review
- SWWAS Arctic Convoy, Playbook Edition (Avalanche Press Preorder)