- WBC: 1775 Rebellion Tournament After Action Report
- Wie Gehts, Uwe Live Update #5 with Uwe Eickert and Gunter Eickert [video]
- 878: Vikings Strategy Guide Pt. 1: Playing the English
- 878: Vikings WBC Event Report
- Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Replay
- 878 Vikings Strategy Guide Pt.2: Playing the English
- Chance of Gaming, Episode 111
- Harold on Games, Episode 10
- 1775 Rebellion Reprint (new from Academy Games)
This reprint includes an updated rules booklet. The year is 1775. The American colonies are outraged over new taxes imposed upon them by Great Britain. They begin to stockpile arms and organize militia. On April 19th, militia members ambush a column of 700 British Redcoats ordered to seize stockpiled arms. 273 British soldiers are killed or wounded before they reach safety in Boston. The American Revolution has begun! [Forum]
- 878: Vikings – Invasions of England Replay
- Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Replay
- Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Review
- 1812: Invasion of Canada Review [video]
- 878: Vikings – Invasions of England Review
- 1775: Rebellion Replay
- 878: Vikings – Invasions of England Review
- Strike of the Eagle Review
- Agents of Mayhem Kickstarter: Two Weeks Left
- 878: Vikings – Invasions of England Replay
- Conflict of Heroes: Eastern Front – Solo Expansion Replay