- CoH: Storms of Steel Replay
- COH Storms of Steel! – Kursk 1943 Unboxing [video]
- CoH: Storms of Steel Replay
- CoH Storm of Steel: Kursk 1943, Third Edition (new from Academy Games)
- Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel, 3rd Edition Review [video]
- CoH: Storms of Steele Kursk 1943, 3rd Edition Unboxing [video]
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- 878 Vikings: Invasions of England Replay
- 878 Vikings: Invasions of England Replay
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- Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel 3rd Edition (Academy Games Preorder)
Storms of Steel! makes you a witness to the greatest tank battle in history! After their stinging defeat at Stalingrad, the Germans mass their best forces for an all-out attack against the growing Soviet bulge at Kursk. The Soviets' network of master spies has caught wind of the German plans, and they are prepared to trap and decimate the best panzer forces the Germans can muster. [Forum]
- Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel 3rd Edition Rules Download