- CounterFact Magazine, Issues 6 and 7 (One Small Step Preorder)
- Putin vs. The Dragon (One Small Step Preorder)
- America Falling: The Coming Civil War (One Small Step Preorder)
- Napoléon 1806 (Shakos @ Kickstarter)
- Triumph of Chaos, 2nd Edition (Clash of Arms Preorder)
- Invasion: Malta (Legion Wargames Preorder)
- Longstreet Attacks: Gettysburg (Revolution Games Preorder)
- Twilight of the Gods: Age of Revelation (Victory Point Games @ Kickstarter)
- Yaah! Magazine Issue #8 (Flying Pig Games Preorder)
- Sherman Leader (Dan Verssen Games @ Kickstarter)
- Guam: Return To Glory (Compass Games Preorder)
- Saipan: The Bloody Rock (Compass Games Preorder)
- Places by the Way D&D Module (Douglas Sun @ Kickstarter)
- Panzer Grenadier: Fire in the Steppe (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- Traveller Customizable Card Game (Horizon Games @ Kickstarter)
- Tenkatoitsu (Hexasim Preorder)
- Air Raid Pearl Harbor (Legion Wargames Preorder)
- The Marshals V: Moreau 1800 (Vae Victis Preorder)
- Battle Command (Brian Wickham @ Kickstarter)
- Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day of Gettysburg (Revolution Games Preorder)