- Fitna: The Global War in the Middle East (Nuts! Publishing Preorder)
a two to six-player grand strategic level card driven wargame depicting the military confrontations in the Middle East since 2012, up to the near future. Among 10 historical and hypothetical scenarios, players can simulate the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Kurdish Rebellion, the Sunni versus Shia confrontation as well as Russian, Turkish, Israeli and Western intervention in the region. ISIS troops are activated through Event cards. [Forum]
- OST Ghost Front (Flying Pig Games Preorder)
This an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Volume II to play Ghost Front. Ghost Front is the second expansion to Old School Tactical Vol II, covering the German's Ardennes offensive of 1944. This boxed expansion includes a new, 30" x 41" mounted map board depicting snowy Ardennes terrain, a new sheet of counters with new SS and American units, unit data cards, and an 11-scenario booklet. [Forum]
- Versailles 1919 (GMT Games Preorder)
Versailles 1919, created by designers Mark Herman and Geoff Engelstein, allows you to experience this piece of history as one of the four leaders with a national agenda that must be satisfied. As one of the Big Four, you sit in a conference room gaining influence on the issues present in the room. Hovering in the waiting room sit other issues and personages who are waiting their turn to make their case to meet regional aspirations such as self-determination. [Forum]
- Peloponnesian War (GMT Games Preorder)
This is an enhanced edition (new art, mounted maps, new generals, pretty much an overall facelift) of the popular solitaire game that Mark Herman created for Victory Games almost 30 years ago. It is a design that has stood the test of time. From the opening of the Archadameian War in 431BC to the Fall of Athens in 404, The Peloponessian War allows YOU to compete against the man in the mirror, as you live through the suicide of Greece. Maneuver your generals, hoplites, and navies to fight battles and attempt to bring the war to an end on your terms. Take heed, however. As you weaken your foe, you create a greater game challenge for yourself. For as you improve in strength, so does your opponent. [Forum]
- Dark War Roleplaying Core Game (Tiny Battle Publishing Preorder)
West Germany teeters on the brink of defeat. The American V Corps is all but crushed, and Soviet armored formations rush to the French border. In a small town near the North Sea, a temporary POW camp holds hundreds of NATO soldiers, not all of them human. A handful make a break for freedom. Welcome to Mark Walker’s Dark War, a skirmish and roleplaying game set in the midst of a Weird War III. If you like man-to-man, man-to-beast, woman-to-whatever combat, you might want to give it a look. [Forum]
- Hearts and Minds, 1965 to 1976, Third Edition (Compass Games Preorder)
this game delivers an uncomplicated approach to a very complicated conflict. Eight scenarios introduce players to U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia including a scenario after the US withdrew from Vietnam, a full campaign scenario as well as high solitaire capability. Players appreciate the ability to start in any year of the war they wish and fight to the end of any other year of the war. The game provides a comprehensive historical approach using mechanics that include guerrilla warfare, faction differentiation, political turmoil, and veteran advantages. This edition features deluxe components including 3/4" counters and mounted game map and new rules for solitaire play. [Forum]
- Tinian: The Forgotten Battle (Compass Games Preorder)
the 3rd Volume in the Marianas Campaign series. This is a perfect introduction to Adam Starkweather's Company Scale System (CSS). Played on a single map, 3 scenarios and 3 campaign games are included. Special rules cover Caves, Beach Landings, Naval Support, Air Support, Sealing Caves, Mines, Japanese Tenacity, Inter-service Rivalry, Banzai Charges, Japanese Naval guns, Flamethrowers, Napalm, Under water demolition Teams, Aerial Reconnaissance, Tropical Storms, Japanese Knee Mortars AND drunken Japanese Admirals. There are also rules for additional Japanese troops that could have been on the island if you wish to make it tougher on the Americans. [Forum]
- Prelude to War: Europe 1936 – 1939 (Legion Wargames Preorder)
Prelude to War: Europe 1936-1939 is a three player detailed historical simulation that is fast-paced and very interactive. It recreates thepolitical, diplomatic and military maneuvering that preceded the outbreak of the Second World War. Players advance their goals through actions such as Diplomacy, Appeasement, Intimidation, Agitation, Military Aid, Annexations, and more. The diplomatic wrangling and muscle-flexing between the major powers is translated into a "challenge" mechanism where players stake national pride and international credibility until one side caves in, or the escalation culminates in a final "test of nerves" that determines the victor. The resolution of these challenges does not involve any dice rolling and is essentially a mind game based on bluff and risk-management. [Forum]
- Atlantic Chase (GMT Games Preorder)
simulates the naval campaigns fought in the North Atlantic between the surface fleets of the Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine between 1939 and 1942. It utilizes a system of trajectories to model the fog of war that bedeviled the commands during this period. Just as the pins and strings adorning Churchill’s wall represented the course of the ships underway, players arrange trajectory lines across the shared game board, each line representing a task force’s path of travel. Without resorting to dummy blocks, hidden movement, or a double-blind system requiring a referee or computer, players experience the uncertainty endemic to this period of naval warfare. This system also has the benefit of allowing the game to be played solitaire, and to be played quickly. [Forum]
- Deep War: The WWII Card Game (Kickstarter)
- Dual Powers: Revolution 1917 (Thunderworks Games @ Kickstarter)
- Battles Magazine, Issue 12 Preorder
- Pacific Victory, 2nd Edition (Columbia Games @ Kickstarter)
the all-new Pacific Victory is an exciting, fast-paced game simulating the Pacific Theater of WWII. Units are represented by wooden blocks which remain upright and hide the type and strength of the unit. A fusion of Columbia's older "Front" system and its newer "Victory" system, the game focuses on the grand strategy of the Pacific war. [Forum]
- C&C: Tricorne Expansion #1 – The American Revolution War (Compass Games Preorder)
The French & More! is the first expansion for the Commands & Colors Tricorne – The American Revolution game. The kit adds ten new battles, adding the French army to the mix and expanding your existing forces. Of course, the two major land battles involving the French Army are included in the scenarios: Savannah and Yorktown. The expansion also takes a detailed look at the Battle of Brandywine, along with the battles of Springfield, Kings Mountain and Pell’s Point. New terrain tiles, additional blocks, stickers and larger, molded dice, are all included so you can play these new American Revolution War engagements. [Forum]
- Warfighter WWII: Wave 2, Pacific (Dan Verssen Games @ Kickstarter)
- Swords & Sails (Kickstarter)
- Radetzky’s March: The Hundred Hours Campaign (Kickstarter)
- Ariete: The Battle of Bir el Gubi, Libya (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
Ariete is a Tactical Combat Series (TCS) game covering the Italian Ariete Division’s defense of Bir el Gubi, Libya, on November 19, 1941. The well-equipped yet inexperienced British 22nd Armoured Brigade saw an opportunity to season itself against a supposedly weak Italian formation. At full-strength with 162 brand-new Crusader tanks, the British were eager to emulate the easy victories against the Italian 10th Army the previous winter. What actually ensued was a swirling desert battle between evenly matched opponents. [Forum]
- Brazen Chariots: Battles for Tobruk, 1941 (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
Brazen Chariots is a Battalion Combat Series (BCS) game that chronicles fighting in the North African desert towards the end of 1941. Once Axis forces under Rommel had laid siege to Tobruk, they then set about trying to take it. Meanwhile, Commonwealth forces pushed back to the Egyptian border launched several attempts to break into and relieve the fortress. Two of these efforts, BREVITY and BATTLEAXE, lacked the depth needed to accomplish this goal and were utter failures. The third, CRUSADER, was a massive undertaking that successfully opened communications to Tobruk and proved to the British 8th Army that Rommel could be beaten. It also set the stage for Rommel's Gazala offensive in 1942. [Forum]
- Time of Crisis Expansion (GMT Games Preorder)
Time of Crisis is the game that allows 2-4 players to re-create the Roman Crisis of the Third Century, leading separate dynasties in a struggle for control of an empire beset by threats both internal and external. The Time of Crisis Expansion provides new choices for players to build their influence, exert their Imperial power, and even play alone! [Forum]