- Great Campaigns of the American Civil War series (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
- Dawn of Empire (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Dawn of Empire is an uncomplicated game which draws its inspiration from the classic wargame, War at Sea, that centers on the naval aspects of the Spanish-American War of 1898 in the Atlantic Ocean. The game depicts this conflict at a strategic level, with most operational and tactical details represented by fast and easy-to-play systems, rather than intricate mechanisms. The intent of the game is to provide a broad overview of the historical events while being fun to play. [Forum]
- Atlantic Wolves (Canvas Temple Publishing @ Kickstarter)
Atlantic Wolves is a solitaire game based on the Battle for the Atlantic. It covers the decisive part of the campaign, August 1942 to May 1943. The player, assuming the role of Admiral Karl Doenitz, controls the German Kriegsmarine and tries to achieve success against the Allies, played by the game system. The game is a deluxe re-implementation of Gary Graber's classic game Battle of the Atlantic, now out of print. The size and quality of components for the game will depend, as per our usual method, on the result of the Kickstarter campaign. [Pledge today]
- This War Without an Enemy (Nuts! Publishing @ Kickstarter)
This War Without an Enemy is a 2-player strategic block wargame on the First English Civil War. The Royalists fight for King Charles against the English Parliamentarian troops and their Scottish allies, in a struggle for political, economic and religious control. The game includes five scenarios (the Full War, the Early War, the Mid-to-Late War, the Mid War and the Prelude to War). The three longer scenarios end either with a player reaching 3 VPs or at the end of 1646. The game engine will be familiar to anyone who has played a card-driven block wargame. Pledge for this game today on Kickstarter. [Forum]
- Crusader Kingdoms: War for the Holy Land (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
Crusader Kingdoms is a game for 1-4 players set in the era of the Crusades, where each player controls one of Outremer’s main Christian or Muslim kingdoms, with the goal of expanding it through intrigue and conquest. Designed by Jesús Peralta, there are four different games between the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Crusades. The game allows cooperative, competitive, and solitaire game play. [Forum]
- Granada: Last Stand Of The Moors, 1482-1492 (Compass Games Preorder)
a game for two players in which they will decide the outcome of this decisive historical episode in less than four hours. As the Catholic player, will you gain fame and glory accomplishing the Reconquista and enlarging your kingdoms in one unified powerful state? And as the Muslim player, will you resist and save Granada or will you become the last King of the Nasrid dynasty? Balanced and historically accurate, the game is easy to learn but difficult to master. [Forum]
- Barbarians at the Gates (Compass Games Preorder)
covering the Decline and Fall of the Western Roman Empire 337 - 476, is a card-driven game by game designer, Kris van Beurden (whose credits include Europe in Turmoil) for two players set during the final century of the Western Roman Empire. The Roman player commands the Roman legions loyal to the failing central authority and those Germanic peoples who have settled peacefully inside the Roman Empire, while the Barbarian player leads Usurper Emperors, and controls the migrations of the savage Germanic peoples, who are the Barbarians at the Gates. [Forum]
- Great War Commander: British Expeditionary Force Expansion (Hexasim Preorder)
The first expansion for Great War Commander! Stand with the British at Mons. Charge forward with the Canadians at Beaumont-Hamel and Passchendaele. Fight like a lion with the First South African Brigade at Delville Wood. Command the Indian Corps at Neuve-Chapelle. Push the Huns back with the Aussies at Cerisy and the NZ at Frémicourt. Refight the first tank on tank battle at Villers-Bretonneux. [Forum]
- C3i Magazine, Issue 33: Waterloo Campaign (RBM Studio Preorder)
featuring the insert game Waterloo Campaign by Mark Herman, as he has adapted the streamlined system he designed for Gettysburg and applied it to the Napoleonic era. Wrestle your opponent across Belgium in a series of battles leading up to a final confrontation--the players will decide when and where the penultimate test will occur between the Emperor and the Duke. [Forum]
- Third Megiddo: Titus vs John & Simon (ADMW Games Preorder)
Third Megiddo. After massing the V, X, XII, and XV Legions; as well as auxiliaries throughout the entire Roman World at Megiddo, will you as General Titus then proceed south and successfully siege Jerusalem in AD 70? Will Israeli infighting, starvation, and desertion aid your campaign? Will battering rams and catapults be successfully deployed as the walls of Jerusalem crumble? [Forum]
- Judges – Revolt of the Righteous (ADMW Games Preorder)
Judges – Revolt of the Righteous will Othneil, Ehud, Barak, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and / or Samson deliver Israel from the hands of their oppresors? Will these Judges help turn the hearts of the Hebrew people back to the God of Abraham, Isaaic, and Jacob? Will they unite Israel sufficiently to restore her independence, peace, and prosperity? The first time this topic has been covered in a boardgame. [Forum]
- Tacticus (ADMW Games Preorder)
Tacticus is a “Fog of War” game with Hebrews Heroes (David, Joshua, Samson, Joab, Caleb, Othniel, Ehud, Abishai, Benaiah & Jehu) vs. Heathen Heroes (Nimrod, Antiochus Epiphanes, Ahab, Ahiman, Sheshai, Talmai, Endore Witch, Og, Goliath & Beast). The Heathen and Hebrews have to capture each others’ King. Mountains, spy’s, projectiles, & strategy cards add complexity to the otherwise straight forward field of battle. This is a 2 player game lasting about 30 minutes. Can you protect your King while capturing your opponents? [Forum]
- 303 Squadron (Hobbity @ Kickstarter)
- 2GM Pacific (Draco Ideas @ Kickstarter)
- A Victory Awaits (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
Famed Japanese designer Tetsuya Nakamura, who created A Victory Lost, Fire in the Sky, A Most Dangerous Time, and What Price Glory?, returns to the East Front with A Victory Awaits. Using a lightly modified version of the A Victory Lost system, the game covers Operation Barbarossa from June 22 to mid-September. [Forum]
- 1941: Race to Moscow (Phalanx @ Kickstarter)
Takes the basic 'engine" from 2014's award-winning "Race for the Rhine" and adds a little more depth and complexity to offer the logistics nightmare we all remember about Barbarossa. For 3 players, 2 players, or 3 different versions of a Solo game! Significant savings over retail and nd some sweet stretch goals. Kickstarter live through Dec. 11. [Forum]
- Libertadores App and Boardgame (Avalon Digital @ Kickstarter)
- Napoleon’s Eagles: Storm in the East (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Napoleon’s Eagles is a highly playable, action-packed card game set during the wars of 19th Century Europe. This is a card driven game designed to play through two famous battles of the late Napoleonic era: Borodino (September 5-7, 1812) and Leipzig (October 14-18, 1813). Two smaller battles are included (Shevardino and Lieberwolkwitz), as well as two campaign games that cover multiple days of battle. The game includes rules for cavalry charges, artillery bombardment, army morale and army commanders. [Forum]
- Rifles in the Peninsula (Tiny Battle Publishing Preorder)
The Rifles system allows the recreation of small combat engagements (five to ten units per side), using an abstract map that represents the main features of the terrain like trees, buildings, hills. Rifles in the Peninsula, which is the third game of Gottardo Zancani’s solitaire RIFLES series, (Rifles in the Pacific and Rifles in the Ardennes) is available for preorder. The focus of this new title is on the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815). [Forum]
- The Shores of Tripoli (Fort Circle @ Kickstarter)