- Panzer Grenadier: 49th Mountain Corps (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas (Compass Games Preorder)
- Cross Bronx Expressway (GMT Games Preorder)
Cross Bronx Expressway is the third game in the Irregular Conflicts Series. It simulates the socio-economic processes of urban development, and the human costs that result, as a competitive city-builder with collective loss conditions. Players control one of three asymmetric factions working in the South Bronx between 1940 and 2000, pursuing their own goals while cooperating to keep the borough viable. [Forum]
- Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines Vie for Tuscany (GMT Games Preorder)
Inferno—the third volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series—visits the conflagration that was 13th-Century Tuscan warfare, factional conflict fueled by the money and burgeoning population of the region's well-to-do cities and mountain valleys. Veteran Italian wargame designer Enrico Acerbi applies his deep knowledge of the age to bring it to life within Volko's accessible medieval-operation system. [Forum]
- Kontact Now: Red Eclipse (Compass Games Preorder)
Kontact Now: Red Eclipse by Steve Overton is a tactical wargame. It is a Card Assisted Fire Team level of tactical combat. The player will control forces of either the United States or Soviet Union conducting combat operations in West Germany, 1989. The game uses a Card Assisted, Command Point system to create a very unique Command and Control system. Various scenarios will test your tactical skills using all the forces and options historically available to the leaders of that time. [Forum]
- Panzer Grenadier: River Battleships (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- The Boer War (Canvas Temple Publishing @ Kickstarter)
Imperial Campaigns is a wargame system for recreating wars and campaigns during the great age of European Empires from the 18th century to early 20th centuries, using 60 to 80 counters per game and a deck of cards. A single Standard Rules booklet applies to all games in the series, each of which also has its own Exclusive Rules providing the Scenario(s) for a specific campaign. The Boer War is the first entry in this new series from Joseph Miranda and Canvas Temple Publishing. Boer War is based on the conflict between the British Empire and the Boer Republics of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal, which started in 1899 (generally known as the Second Boer War). [Forum]
- Operation Mars (Legion Wargames Preorder)
- BCS Arracourt (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
BCS Arracourt depicts the Axis counterattack against Patton's drive across France in September 1944. The game highlights both sides using all the tools of mobile warfare, both maneuvering to attack and defend the ground of their choosing. The game is a great introduction to the system for the beginner BCS player, but is still a challenge for the BCS veteran. The game has one map, 352 5/8" counters, and six scenarios from two turns to the 13-turn campaign scenario. [Forum]
- Band of Brothers: Old Breed South Pacific (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Granada: The Last Stand of the Moors (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Granada: The Last Stand of the Moors, 1482-1492 is a game for two players in which they will decide the outcome of this decisive historical episode in less than four hours. As the Catholic player, will you gain fame and glory accomplishing the Reconquista and enlarging your kingdoms in one unified powerful state? And as the Muslim player, will you resist and save Granada or will you become the last King of the Nasrid dynasty? Balanced and historically accurate, the game is easy to learn but difficult to master. [Forum]
- Hold the Line: Excalibur Battles of King Arthur (Worthington Publishing @ Kickstarter)
- Defending America (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
Defending America: Intercepting the Amerika Bombers, 1947-48 is a solitaire, tactical level game which places you in command of an actual or experimental interceptor aircraft during a frightening look at what might have been in World War II. This game is highly accessible to those familiar with the B17: Queen of the Skies system. The game system lends itself very well to capturing the tense feelings of being on a interception mission, and gives a frightening look on “what might have been” had the Allies fared poorly in the war. While Defending Amerika is designed as a solitaire gaming experience, additional options for play are provided for both multi-player cooperative and competitive gaming sessions, and an option to link the game with Amerika Bomber: Evil Queen of the Skies. [Forum]
- Schnell Boats (Compass Games Preorder)
Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel is a solitaire, tactical-level, narrative-driven wargame. You, as Kommandant, will lead a squadron of 4 German Kriegsmarine torpedo boats or experimental turbojet-powered hydrofoil boats on night missions against Allied forces in the English Channel during 1943-1944. [Forum]
- Russia Besieged Deluxe Edition, Finnish Expansion (Compass Games Preorder)
The Finnish Expansion is an extensive package expands and complements Russia Besieged Deluxe Edition (ownership of this game is required), the finest Corps/Army level treatments of the fighting on the Eastern Front in World War II. This expansion completes the entire Eastern Front experience by adding a map that covers Finland from Helsinki, Leningrad, Archangel, Petsamo and Murmansk. As an added bonus, included in this package is an historical Battle of Kursk scenario. [Forum]
- Coalitions (Phalanx Games @ Kickstarter)
Coalitions brings the whole continent of the Napoleonic Wars into a fast, playable system. Multiplayers—with NO downtime. Each turn, EVERY player is doing something… but doing something ‘different.’ This sets up an unexpected cycle like nothing you’ve ever played before. Cool wooden pieces, or a “Deluxe” version with some of the most beautiful 28mm miniatures you’ve ever seen (You know Phalanx Games makes sweet miniatures!). Kickstarter backers get exclusive sculpts, an extra player expansion, plus an extra game covering a slightly different period! Kickstarter runs through July 14. [Forum]
- Scream, Aim, Fire! (Tiny Battle Publishing Preorder)
Scream, Aim, Fire! is a solitaire tactical game of squad-level combat in the aftermath of D-Day. The player takes the part of American infantry and armor pushing inland to take objectives, using a dice-roll action system that gives you a guaranteed number of actions each round, but not always of the exact type you need. A card-driven action system manages the German defenders, including veteran units, machine-gun nests, and even tanks. [Forum]
- NATO: The Cold War Goes Hot! (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
marks the return of a true wargaming classic by Bruce Maxwell. NATO simulates a potential NATO/Warsaw Pact conflict in Central Europe during the Cold War years of the 1980’s. First published in 1983, this game was Victory Games best-selling title, purchased by over 75,000 gamers worldwide. This new edition is based on an exhaustive two-year study by the Designer of the records that have come to light since the fall of the Berlin Wall. [Forum]
- 2 Minutes to Midnight (Plague Island Games @ Kickstarter)
- Operation Storm: Stalin’s Barbarossa (One Small Step @ Kickstarter)
Operation Storm: Stalin’s Barbarossa — What if the Soviets Attacked First in 1941? is a two-player, low-to-intermediate complexity, strategic simulation of the campaign that could have resulted had Stalin agreed to General Georg Zhukov’s plan for a preemptive attack against the Germans. The Soviet player is on the offensive, winning the game by seizing key objectives within the Third Reich. At the same time, the situation allows for—and often demands—counteroffensives by the German player. [Forum]