- Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming Book Review
- Wargames Illustrated is Evolving
- Napoleon’s Last Army Book Preorder
- Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming (New Literature)
- Postcards from Russo-Japanese War
- Yaah! Magazine, Issue 5 (new from Flying Pig Games)
- ASL Journal #11 (new from Multi-Man Publishing)
- War Diary Magazine Vol. 2, Issue 4 Preview
- A Quick Review of Wargame Magazines [video]
- Yaah! Magazine Issue #5 (Flying Pig Games Preorder)
- Panzer Digest #13 (new from Minden Games)
- World at War #46: Yamato Unleashed (new from Decision Games)
- C3i Magazine Nr 29 (new from RBM Studio)
- Operational Matters: An OCS Guide & Sicily II (Multi-Man Publishing Preorder)
- Line of Departure Issue #77 (new from Jim Werbaneth)