- Author Jack Greene looks at General Grant and Vicksburg [podcast]
- Interview with Patrick Gebhardt and Jack Greene
- Harold on Games Podcast #8 with Jack Greene
- Interview with Gregory M. Smith
- Interview with Vukasin Nisavic
- Interview with Pascal Toupy and Jean-Philippe Barcus
- Interview with Antonio Vaquera
- Whiskey Charlie, Episode 76: Columbia Wargames [video]
- Interview with Stephen Rangazas
- An interview with the great Rodger B MacGowan, Part 1 [podcast]
- Interview with Jose Neva
- Dunnigan’s and SPI’s Friday Night Follies, A Playtester Heaven [podcast]
- Interview: James F. Dunnigan [video]
- Interview with Gregory M. Smith
- GMT Talk Episode 13: Joe Chacon & Evan Yoak [video]
- ASL MMP Roundtable Discussion #7 with Curt Shilling [video]
- Interview with Crisanto Lorente Gonzalez
- 5 Questions With…Lee Brimmicombe-Wood
- Interview with Crisanto Lorente Gonzalez
- Interview with DB Dockter