- Brave Little Belgium (new from Hollandspiele)
recreates the dramatic early campaign of the First World War as Germany invades Belgium in a lightning-quick introductory wargame with plenty of challenges for both sides. As the German Player, you must smash through the enemy’s defenses as quickly as possible, relentlessly advancing. As the Entente Player, you must stage a desperate defense against overwhelming odds. When and where to fall back, and where to take a stand, are decisions of vital importance. [Forum]
- Raiders of the Deep Review
- Memoir ’44 Replay
- The Lamps are Going Out 1914 Replay [video]
- Fatal Alliances: The Great War Replay
- Arc of the Kaiser’s Last Raider (new from One Small Step)
Arc of the Kaiser's Last Raider (Last Raider for short) puts you in the position of a writer of pulp fiction during the 1920s in which you are trying to complete an adventure fiction novel set some time during World War I on the high seas. You, the writer, are trying to construct a story arc in which the narrator of your novel, the commander of a German high seas raider in 1917, is trying to find a lost secret somewhere in the South Seas which, if he can return it to a port in Europe, will change the course of the World War raging in Europe. This objective is represented by an Objective card. [Forum]
- Great War Commander Replay
- The Great War: French Army Expansion Replay
- Landships! Tactical Weapons Innovations 1914-1918 Replay
- Raiders of the Deep Replay
- Flying the Fokker Eindecker
- Landships! Tactical Weapons Innovations 1914-1918 Replay
- SMS Derfflinger
- Landships! Tactical Weapons Innovations 1914-1918 Replay
- In the Trenches: 1916 Review
- Fatal Alliances: The Great War Replay
- The Great War Replay
- Imperial Policing in the Interwar Era
- Soviet Dawn Replay [video]
- The Great War: French Army Expansion Replay