- Storming in the West Replay
- Learn to Play: Red Poppies Campaign, Volume 3 [video]
- Great War at Sea: Jutland, 2nd Edition (Avalanche Press Preorder)
- Veracruz Naval Flights
- Sangre y Acero: Second Battle of Nanawa, 1933 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The war between Bolivia and Paraguay for the Chaco region broke out over who would have control of the oil fields discovered a decade earlier. The small town of Nanawa was marked by a key crossroads as well as water springs that were highly prized in this arid region. The Paraguayans captured the town and fortified surrounding area soon after war broke out the year before. In July a massive offensive organized by General Hans Kundt by the Bolivians was launched to retake the area which they hoped would lead to the fall of Concepcion. Can you do as well or better? [Forum]
- Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria
- A man in a trench…
- The Great War in the East Opens, August 1914
- Interview with Victor Catala [video]
- The World Undone: 1914 – East Prussia Replay
- Infantry Attacks: Fall of Empires Review
- Interview with Victor Catalá
- Jutland Replay
- Nelson and Rodney
- 1914: Serbien Muss Sterbien Replay
- Jutland: The German Gibraltar
- November 1916: The Somme Air Battle
- The Siege of Tsingtau 1914: Aircraft
- The Battle of the Falkland Islands
- Rise of Totalitarianism (new from 4 Dados)