- Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria
- A man in a trench…
- The Great War in the East Opens, August 1914
- Interview with Victor Catala [video]
- The World Undone: 1914 – East Prussia Replay
- Infantry Attacks: Fall of Empires Review
- Interview with Victor Catalá
- Jutland Replay
- Nelson and Rodney
- 1914: Serbien Muss Sterbien Replay
- Jutland: The German Gibraltar
- November 1916: The Somme Air Battle
- The Siege of Tsingtau 1914: Aircraft
- The Battle of the Falkland Islands
- Rise of Totalitarianism (new from 4 Dados)
- Imperial Tide: The Great War First Look [video]
- Learn to Play: Imperial Tide [video]
- GWAS Jutland: Dogger Bank Scenario Overview
- Great War at Sea: Caribbean Empires, Part 1 (new from Avalanche Press)
Caribbean Empires, Part One is an expansion set for Great War at Sea: Remember the Maine. It adds 80 new pieces (60 “long” ship pieces and 20 standard-sized ones), and uses pieces and the map from Remember the Maine. The Americans have the pre-dreadnought battleships of the Great White Fleet, plus some other designs that were considered but never built. It's a download exclusively for the Gold Club, and it's *free* for members [Forum]
- “I have seen the Australians”