- Plantagenet: Cousins’ War for England Replay
- Tenkatoitsu Replay
- Cruel Necessity First Look [video]
- Border Reivers (new from GMT Games)
For two hundred years, war waged back and forth across the border between England and Scotland. In Border Reivers, each player rules over one of the Marches as leader of one of the six major riding families of the border: Grey, Fenwick, Dacre, Maxwell, Kerr, or Hume. Your goal is to increase the wealth and fame of your clan throughout the reigns of Henry and Elizabeth to end the century as the most famous Border Reiver of all time. [Forum]
- No Peace Without Honor! Review
- Cruel Necessity: The English Civil Wars
- Granada: Last Stand of the Moors Review
- Here I Stand Replay
- Wallenstein Big Box Replay
- Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition Replay
- Clash of Sovereigns (new from GMT Games)
Clash of Sovereigns: The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48. is GMT’s two-four player card-driven game of the War of the Austrian Succession. This game has been nine years in the making. It is a free-wheeling, faster-playing, stream-lined “nephew” of the widely-regarded Clash of Monarchs. [Forum]
- The Spanish Road Play Session [video]
- Interview with Francisco Gradaille
- Battles of the English Civil War Replay
- Ill Met in Flanders: Fleurus 1622 (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Ill Met in Flanders: The Battle of Fleurus, August 29, 1622. Ill Met in Flanders is a debut title for a series of games set in the Thirty Years War by Roberto Chiavini. The High Flying Dice Games edition of this title features entirely new graphics by Bruce Yearian, completely revised rules as well as other game components. [Forum]
- This War Without an Enemy Review
- Fire & Stone: Siege of Vienna 1683 Review
- Saints in Armor Replay
- Nagashino 1575 & Shizugataka 1583 Review
- No Peace Without Spain! Review [video]