- Maritime Warfare in the War of the Spanish Succession
- Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India Review
- The Age of the Shoguns
- The Spanish Conquest of Mexico
- Commands & Colors: Medieval Play Tutorial [video]
- The Second Battle of Newbury: Context and Landscape
- The Second Battle of Newbury, 1644
- Pax Renaissance: 2nd Edition Review
- Vijayanagara: The Deccan Empires of Medieval India AAR
- Arquebus: Men of Iron Volume IV, 2nd Printing (GMT Games Preorder)
- Nagashino 1575 & Shizugataka 1583 Review
- Is A Gest of Robin Hood a COIN Game?
- Italian 15th Century Warfare
- Unhappy King Charles (PHALANX Games Preorder)
- 1562: The Beginning of a Tragedy AAR
- A Naval Engagement In The Bosphorus
- 1562: The Beginning of a Tragedy Replay
- Qing and Opium Wars
- Musket & Pike Dual Pack Play Session
- English Piracy in the 15th Century