- Far East War 1592 Replay
- Tilly and the Evolution of Tactics
- Fief: France 1429 Review
- Nine Years: War Of The Grand Alliance 1688-1697 (new from Compass Games)
standalone game uses the No Peace without Spain System and features a campaign game combining both the Nine Years and No Peace Without Spain games into one epic scenario running from 1688 to 1713 (ownership off both games is required for this epic scenario). Now players can recreate one of the decisive moments in European history. [Forum]
- Italian 15th Century Warfare
- Frederick William and Fehrbellin in 1675
- Expedition Conquistador App Review
- Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan Review
- English Civil War App Coming Soon
- Burgundian Army
- George of Hanover [George I] and The War Of The Spanish Succession
- The Invasion of France, 1475
- Strategy and the Military Enterpriser in the Thirty Years War
- War on the North America’s Northern Frontier, 1689–1713
- Thirty Years War: Europe in Agony, 1618-1648 Replay
- Waning Crescent, Shattered Cross Preview [video]
- Cruel Necessity Review
- The Invincible Armada (new from Turning Point Simulations)
- Maritime Warfare in the War of the Spanish Succession
- Lion of the North Replay [video]