- James Butler (1610-88), the Earl of Ormonde
- Cromwell’s Victory Replay [video]
- Rum & Bones: Second Tide Review
- Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan Review
- Pax Baltica Review
- Wargames To Go, Episode 12 Podcast
- Action on Aidbourne Chase, 18 September 1643
- Richard II – Hundred Years War
- The English in America Podcast
- Stuck at Güns
- From Beggars and landsknechts to professional standing army
- Scots in Swedish Naval Service
- The Battle Behind The March Of The Orangemen
- The Grunwald Swords Replay
- The Privateers of Scotland
- Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan Replay
- Plug Bayonet
- A Military Revolution or Evolution?
- Cromwell’s Hooves
- Far East War 1592 Review