- On to Richmond II Replay
- Rebel Fury Review
- We Must Tell the Emperor Review
- Position Magnifique: The Battle of Mars-la-Tour, 1870 Review
- Most Fearful Sacrifice 4th Printing on Kickstarter March 18th
- Burning Banners: Rage of the Witch Queen Replay
- The Battle of the Bismarck Sea – 3 March 1943
- Battle of Marengo, 14 June 1800
- Battle for Znaim, 10-11 July 1809
- Chukotka
- Air Support – Kursk
- Enemy Action: Kharkov Play Tutorial, Part 2 [video]
- Western Front Ace Play Session [video]
- First Blood in the Crimea: Alma Play Session [video]
- 1793: Patriots & Traitors + 1795 Expansion First Look [video]
- D-Day Dice: Forgers & Knights First Look [video]
- Imperial Struggle Review [video]
- Alliance First Look [video]
- Next War: Iran Play Session, Part 7 [video]
- Battle of White Plains Play Session with Mark Miklos [video]