- Napoleon’s Eagles First Look [video]
- Highway to the Kremlin II First Look [video]
- Why the British and Native Americans Allied During the Northwest Indian Wars [video]
- Mr. Madison’s War Play Session [video]
- Battle Commander Volume I: Napoleon’s Italian Campaigns (Sound of Drums @ Gamefound)
- Battle of Vinegar Hill (new from Blue Panther Games)
- First Monday in October (Fort Circle Games @ Kickstarter)
- Interview with Carl Paradis
- Napoleon at Austerlitz Intro and Play Overview [video]
- Winter’s Victory: The Battle of Preussisch-Eylau Review
- I, Napoleon Play Tutorial [video]
- Strategy & Tactics, Issue 350: Reves de Gloire (new from Decision Games)
- I, Napoleon Play Session [video]
- Congress of Vienna, Russian Play Analysis
- C&C: Napoleonics Expansion #2 – The Russian Army Replay
- Battles of Napoleonic Europe Replay
- La Bataille de Kulm (ATO Magazine @ Kickstarter)
- Congress of Vienna at SDHistCon Gaming Convention
- 1812: Napoleon’s Fateful March Review
- Solitaire General: Napoleon at Waterloo Replay